How to run correctly: the main mistakes of beginners

It would seem, what could be easier than jogging? I put on a tracksuit, sneakers, music in my ears and ran. In fact, because of this approach, 70% of beginning runners get injured and stop running. Let's look at the main mistakes beginners make and carefully avoid them!

High intensity training

Many beginners try to break all conceivable and inconceivable records during their first training sessions. As a result, instead of real results in the future, they get stretched, overworked and dissatisfied with themselves.

Don’t chase quick results, start training with short distances and short races. Write yourself a training program with a gradual increase in loads, follow it and listen to your body. This is the only way you can gradually develop speed and endurance, and achieve significant results.

Imitating experienced athletes

It happens that a beginner runner trains at a stadium where athletes with much more experience run. In order not to appear in their eyes, the runner increases the load and speed, which, most often, has negative consequences.

If you are afraid of appearing weak and ridiculous to someone, train alone. Choose unpopular times and routes to avoid running into other runners.

Excessive training frequency

Daily exhausting runs will definitely not guarantee good results; most likely they will lead to overwork and burnout. Training will cease to be enjoyable, and everything that is done without pleasure does not bring any benefit to the body.

Don't forget to give yourself days off and do some recovery running. This is an easy workout that allows the body to “come to its senses” and accumulate strength.

Wrong choice of shoes

Not all sneakers and trainers are suitable for running. Fashionable and beautiful models can be worn to meet friends or go shopping, but not for serious training.

If you decide to get serious about running, buying good running shoes will be a profitable investment in your sports life.

Ignoring body signals

You can’t exercise if something hurts – this rule works in any sport. Even minor pain can be a signal of a serious problem, such as damage to ligaments and tendons.

It is very important to listen to your body and learn to distinguish between sore throat and real pain.

Take running seriously, don’t overdo it with training, exercise regularly, and then running will bring you only joy and pleasure!