How to massage your neck at home

Constant headaches, muscle pain, swelling of the legs and fatigue accompany people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. All of these problems are common among people who have sedentary jobs that cause tension in the neck. Modern busy people often do not have enough time to visit a professional massage therapist. But neck massage can be done at home, it is only important to follow the rules and find a partner.

  1. Neck massage techniques
  2. How to prepare for a massage
  3. Step 1: Preparation
  4. Step 2: Warm up your muscles
  5. Step 3: Active part of the cervical-vertebral area massage
  6. Step 4: Completing the SWH massage
  7. Benefits of neck massage

Neck massage techniques

Massage of the human cervical body has been practiced for a long time. Our ancestors noticed the positive effect of certain manipulations in the neck area on the body and honed their knowledge and skills over the years. Modern massage therapists do not need to engage in research and experimentation, everything has already been worked out, and it is enough to follow the rules and technique of movements to get maximum benefit for the patient.

neck massage

How to prepare for a massage

Before massaging the neck and shoulders, you must remove jewelry and clothing. In particular, earrings and necklaces should be removed as they can get caught in your fingers and cause injury. Before the procedure, it is advisable to take a hot shower and thoroughly cleanse the skin.

You should also remove your glasses and contact lenses. Eat 1.5 hours before the procedure.

Neck massage can be performed in two positions:

  1. sitting position. The patient sits in a chair or on a stretcher so that it does not sag when pressed. Hands are placed on the table under the patient's arms.
  2. supine position. A man lies face down on a bed. Ideally, a table with a recess for the face so that the cervical spine lies flat.

The procedure is carried out in a well-ventilated area, but there should be no drafts.

Step 1: Preparation

In the initial phase, do not make sudden movements. Muscle stimulation begins with light, stroking movements. Stimulation occurs along the main lines of the cervical spine.

In the first lessons, simple longitudinal and transverse movements are performed. In subsequent days, the sequence of movements becomes more complex.

Perform 8-10 movements on each side. Each stroke should last at least 1 minute - it is especially important to take your time and warm up the muscles, especially if you are doing a massage for the first time. After a few strokes, the body becomes more relaxed and ready for intensive treatment. The technique of shifting along the edge of the shoulder can be supplemented with the “figure eight”. In this case, the hand is directed along the edge of the shoulder in the form of a “figure eight”. The load is applied gradually, step by step increasing the intensity of the manipulations.

neck massage

Step 2: Warm up your muscles

To warm up the muscles and carry out full treatment, you should perform several movements:

  1. longitudinal friction. Make rhythmic and smooth movements to promote blood circulation. The movements are performed with both hands.
  2. Longitudinal movements with fingertips. They follow the upward movement of blood from the back to the neck, from the spine.
  3. now the position of the hands has been changed. The basic movements are repeated with the hands.

Each phase of manipulation should last no more than 10-20 seconds.

Step 3: Active part of the cervical-vertebral area massage

At this stage, all manipulations are more intense. The most important movements are kneading. Start at the head and work your way up to the shoulders. This is the most labor-intensive kneading, requiring great effort on the part of the massage therapist. Accordingly, it is executed one after another:

  1. first grab some of the skin and muscle tissue;
  2. first grab some of the skin and muscle tissue; then stand up;
  3. stretch with your fingertips and lower.

At the initial stage, they never make strong and sudden movements. Muscle stimulation begins with light, stroking movements. Stimulation is performed along the main guide lines of the cervical vertebrae.

For the first sessions, simple longitudinal and transverse movements are used. In subsequent days, the trajectory of movements becomes more complicated.

8-10 strokes are performed on each side. The duration of each action should be at least 1 minute; it is especially important to take your time and thoroughly warm up the muscles if the patient is doing a massage for the first time. After several procedures, the human body will quickly relax and prepare for intensive healing practice. The movement technique for the shoulder girdle can be supplemented with the “figure eight”. This action is performed according to the following scheme: the hand passes along the shoulder girdle in the form of the number 8. The load on the muscles is added gradually by increasing the intensity of the manipulations.

The active part of the treatment consists of spiral movements, which are technically identical to circular movements involving muscle tissue. They are divided into 3 types, which differ according to the place of application:

1.       Paraspinal muscles, located along the entire length of the spine on either side of the spinous processes and visible without touching the back.

2.       Trapezius muscle, which occupies the superficial part of the back of the neck and upper back;

3.       The ischial fossa is a depression at the bottom of the tip of the scapula.

Work the first two areas with your fingertips up and down. Start from the trapezius to the paravertebral, following the direction of the muscle fibers.

Massage the supraspinatus muscle in one area using circular, rotating movements. After activating this area, you can perform stroking movements with your hands. This area should be treated with caution. The time for each area ranges from 30 to 60 seconds depending on the individual patient.

neck massage

Step 4: Completing the SWH massage

The final stage of the neck massage is a relaxing light movement of the fingers, simulating a drip. The masseur quickly strokes the shoulder girdle and neck area with his fingertips, as if touching the keys of a keyboard. These movements are performed for approximately 10 seconds.

Cervical massage in the elderly and children is performed using the same technique, but the strength and intensity of movements are reduced.

Benefits of neck massage

Even one massage application in the neck area can have a positive effect: spasms, headaches and fatigue are eliminated.

After a whole series of massages, experts note a number of positive changes in the body:

  1. Relaxing movements improve blood circulation in the neck and brain. At the same time, cognitive functions improve: memory, attention, thinking.
  2. The mechanical effect on the shoulder girdle relieves fatigue and tension from the entire back.
  3. Massage movements activate blood and lymph flow, helping to relieve swelling and muscle spasms and quickly eliminate lactic acid after intense physical activity.
  4. Finger pressure on the reflex zones of the cervical spine helps improve the functioning of internal organs.
  5. Massage helps correct posture.
  6. Reflex zones are used to normalize hormonal function.
  7. Impact on the shoulder girdle and cervical spine increases performance and improves the general condition of the body.

The effectiveness and benefits of SWH massage obviously depend on the skills of the massage therapist, but the technique is quite accessible. After mastering massage, you can perform it at home.

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