Scientists: friendship improves health

Friendships can significantly improve health, say scientists from the University of North Carolina. In order to confirm this thesis, experts led by psychology professor Barbara Frederickson conducted several experiments on 65 students and university employees.

It turned out that people who have good relationships with friends and family members generally feel much happier than others. Moreover, their body is much healthier: tachycardia and other heart rhythm disturbances are almost completely absent. They usually do not have problems with blood pressure or poor digestion. Those respondents who do not have many friends are subject to stress to a much greater extent. They usually begin to develop cardiovascular disease by middle age.

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According to experts, you can improve your health through meditation. At the same time, it is better to concentrate your attention on the memories of pleasant moments associated with family and friends. Research published in the journal Psychological Science shows that daily 10-minute meditation, during which a person concentrates only on the positive aspects of his personal life, helps to better cope with stress and, in general, seriously improve his health.

This is due to the fact that communication with other people and memories of gatherings with friends excite the vagus nerve, which in the body is responsible for the production of oxytocin - the hormone of joy, calmness and a feeling of well-being. "The best way to stay healthy is to be compassionate and a good friend," Frederickson sums up.

Let us recall that recently a new sociological study showed that a person’s feeling of happiness depends on how much sex he has, and to be happy a person only needs to know that his sex life is more active than others.
