Top 6 ways to make cellulite less noticeable

The fight against cellulite is a complex process and its results will, of course, not be visible immediately. But when vacation is approaching and you need to get yourself in order as soon as possible, you need to take tough measures. Read about six ways to make cellulite less noticeable in our material.

A tan

On a tanned body, cellulite is not as noticeable as on fair skin. Go to the solarium for 2-3 sessions, go to the nearest beach, pool, or sunbathe in the courtyard of your house/on the balcony of your apartment. You can also enhance your tan with special creams and products.

Focus on your feet

Walk more and go jogging or cycling in the evening. Instead of taking the elevator, go up to your floor yourself. Take advantage of video lessons that are designed to train specifically the muscles of the legs and buttocks - this way you will not only reduce the level of cellulite, but will make your legs slimmer and sexier.

Correct running technique: top 7 tips


You know the benefits of drinking 2 liters of water daily, but green tea will help enhance the effect. Don't limit yourself to just still water, drink more brewed green tea, which cleanses the body of toxins and speeds up metabolism. Well, just in case, let us remind you that you should completely avoid sweet soda and alcohol, which are faithful “helpers” of cellulite.


You can even do anti-cellulite massage yourself. First you need to cleanse your skin well: take a shower, preferably a contrast one, directing a cold stream to the thigh area. After peeling, remove the product from the skin after 2-3 minutes. Perform several exercises: make a “roller” of skin above the knee and smoothly move it up and down; clench your hand into a fist and massage problem areas of the body with the bones; Use your fingertips and palm to rub the skin.

Home Remedies

The most effective home remedies that “smooth” the skin in the shortest possible time are a coffee scrub (rub coffee grounds into the skin) or a salt scrub with grapefruit (make a fresh scrub, add sea salt and olive oil).

"Makeup" for cellulite

Apply a little bronzer or shimmering powder to problem areas, which will hide dimples on the body and make the skin color even and beautiful.