Rolling pin massage for cellulite video

Many girls often ask the question “how to get rid of orange peel skin at home”? After all, you always want to be beautiful, have slender, well-groomed legs, and wear your favorite dresses and miniskirts without shame. Massage against cellulite with a rolling pin is not a myth, it exists. And this is one of the most common home techniques not only in Russia, but also abroad.

The mechanism of this massage is quite simple. It increases blood flow and outflow of lymph, warms up muscles and tissues, and kneads them. The skin is toned, smoothed and tightened. Moreover, it has extremely high effectiveness, and has already been tested by many girls through personal experience.

History of origin

Even in Rus', a rolling pin was used not only as a part of kitchen utensils, but also for a versatile massage of almost all parts of the body. Similar to rolling out dough, this technique was used to “roll out” stagnant muscles. In modern times, there are quite a few massagers that serve as an analogue of a rolling pin, but are inferior to it in the quality of massage.

Modern massagers have a number of clear advantages. They can have convexities, have the function of “acupressure”, and be of different hardness and shape. However, a rolling pin against cellulite is a time-tested method.

Benefits and effectiveness of the procedure

This method is famous for a number of positive qualities that help restore beauty and get rid of annoying fat.

  1. Helps improve blood circulation, improves blood flow to the treated area;
  2. Destroys subcutaneous fat;
  3. Smoothes cellulite, returns skin tone;
  4. Serves as a muscle relaxant - removes congestion and fatigue;
  5. In some cases, it can help with kidney diseases and straighten bones.

Rules for anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin

If you adhere to a number of established rules, the process will not only be pleasant, but also very useful.

  1. Before starting the procedure, it is worth purchasing a second rolling pin. It may break, or may not be suitable for a particular person. It is worth noting that two different rolling pins can have completely different effects;
  2. Never start right away. Before you begin, you should carefully prepare the problem area. You can use a regular hand massage, or take a steam bath (this serves as a relaxer for all muscles), and only after that begin the procedure;
  3. The best and most famous subcutaneous fat burner is honey. That is why, before starting work, you need to first lubricate problem areas with honey;
    During the first few procedures, bruises and hemorrhages may remain on the body. It's all about the instability and extremely weakened state of the blood vessels. After several repetitions, the capillary system will return to normal;
  4. Smoothing cellulite on the skin should only be done with slow, progressive movements. Jerky movements will not bring any results;
    After finishing, it is worth visiting the shower. For washing, use water slightly warmer than room temperature;

Execution technique to help a beginner

Massaging cellulite with a rolling pin is a precise process. There is no need to reinvent the wheel here. It is worth knowing that there is always a fine line that must be adhered to in order to avoid problematic situations.

  1. Warm up the problem area. Roll the rolling pin up and down with smooth, slow movements. Perform each movement for no more than four minutes, until slight redness appears. You should not try to do everything at once - you can severely damage the capillaries and cause unexpected injuries to yourself;
  2. Next we add one more exercise. In addition to standard movements (up and down), we add movements in the opposite direction. At this stage, the blood “accelerates”, the tone of blood vessels is restored, and the very stage of smoothing cellulite occurs. It is worth remembering that pain during exercise is a bad sign. It is better to postpone this procedure for 10 - 20 minutes, and then try again;

That's the whole technique for getting rid of cellulite with a rolling pin. Everything is quite simple not only in theory, but also in practice. It is important to remember that this is a fairly lengthy process. You shouldn’t push your body and try to achieve everything in the first stages. This can not only worsen the condition of the body, but also cause new serious consequences.

Correct technique

Another important criterion is the correct technique. It is necessary for the greatest results and the correct formation of a training schedule.
Practice no more than twice a day. The body must rest from the procedure. If you constantly massage the skin, it loses its elasticity, and there may be no final result. It is better to do it in the morning and before bed, after taking a hot bath.

The duration of the massage is no more than 30 minutes. Allow 3-5 minutes for each problem area. This is especially true in the initial stages; later, when the body gets used to the massage, the duration can be increased to 5 – 7 minutes per area.

The procedure must be repeated every two to three months. This is necessary to maintain the elasticity of the skin and serves as a guarantee that cellulite will not return again.
Some areas may become very dehydrated, and to restore them to the necessary condition, it is better to purchase a moisturizing cream - gel, or body lotion.
It is recommended to practice in pairs. This serves as a good incentive not to quit what you started. Many girls quit midway, when visible results are just beginning to appear. If you study with a friend or other loved one, this will be a strong incentive to complete the task.

Video on how to properly massage with a rolling pin for cellulite

Reviews of girls who used a rolling pin in the fight against cellulite

After one course, I already have a noticeable result - now I have not the second stage of cellulite, but the first! I took a break for 1-2 weeks and again took a massage course for 10 days. I think this is not a bad result.



It is worth remembering that each procedure has its positive and negative aspects. Massage can not only heal, but also seriously injure. To avoid such situations, you should pay special attention to the precautions and recommendations:

  1. Be sure to measure your blood pressure before starting exercise. With reduced pressure, roll the rolling pin strictly from bottom to top; with increased pressure, do everything the other way around;
  2. Do not use the procedure on areas of the body that have tumors, scars, irritation or moles. This can cause severe pain, and in the case of a mole, cause severe bleeding;
  3. If your skin is particularly sensitive, you should consider stopping the treatment session, or reducing the number of treatments by half. In this situation, the desired effect may appear only after a few months.
  4. At the beginning of the procedure, it is recommended not to be alone. This is due to the fact that massage has a strong effect on blood pressure. If there is severe pressure on the brain, fainting may occur. To prevent such an incident, it is worth asking one of your relatives or close people to attend the lesson.
  5. with varicose veins.

That's all. You can safely begin to implement. It is worth noting that massage with a rolling pin is in great demand, and in 99% of cases it has a positive result.

The procedure has various healing properties. Of course, its main task is to eliminate cellulite, but among people, exercises with a rolling pin are used to relax muscles, eliminate severe swelling of the body, and even to treat some physical injuries. Perhaps the main positive aspect is the ease of access to massage, which does not require significant financial costs, and the ability to carry out the procedure right at home.

The ingenuity of women is impressive, especially when it comes to maintaining beauty. Most representatives of the fair half hate the “orange peel” on the buttocks and thighs - cellulite, and desperately fight it. All methods are used: scrubs, creams, massage, exercises, body wraps, diets.

A lot of money is spent on salon treatments. To save money on personal care, various cosmetic procedures are carried out even at home. One of them is anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin, which hundreds of women have tried on themselves.

Benefits and effectiveness of the procedure

An intense massage with a rolling pin, including working out the inner and outer thighs, buttocks and abdomen, allows you to:

  1. improve capillary blood circulation;
  2. enhance metabolism in soft tissues;
  3. reduce swelling and lymph stagnation;
  4. tighten the skin, reduce the appearance of “orange peel”;
  5. improve the appearance of the skin, even out its color and texture.

To carry out the procedure, use a regular wooden rolling pin, which can be bought at any store. It is advisable to use a separate tool for these purposes. You can use a simple smooth rolling pin, but it will be more effective to use a rolling pin with pimples, with which you make patterns on the rolled out dough.

Rules for anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin

Massage with a rolling pin for cellulite can hardly be called something fundamentally new - the technique is based on a mechanical effect on soft tissues, including the skin and fat layer in problem areas. Most often they massage the thighs, legs and buttocks, less often they work on the abdomen.

It is theoretically possible to remove it using a simple household rolling pin, which is used for rolling out dough. Like other techniques, anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin involves carefully working out fat deposits.

In combination with direct exposure, various oils are usually used to warm up and stimulate blood circulation. These can be special massage oils based on coconut, olive, peach or palm oil with the addition of essential essences. In some recipes you can see natural honey as an aid.

Massage technique

Like other types of anti-cellulite massage, home massage with a rolling pin involves preparation for the procedure. Without it, the effect will be insignificant. Preparatory measures include:

  1. cleansing the skin with a hard sponge, brush or special anti-cellulite scrub;
  2. warming up soft tissues;
  3. application of special oils and other preparations that enhance blood circulation and metabolism in tissues;
  4. actual massage with a rolling pin for cellulite;
  5. subsequent cleansing and moisturizing;
  6. using a heat compress (if desired).

Cleansing before the procedure is a necessary preparatory stage. Removing the keratinized layer of epidermal cells from the thighs, buttocks and abdomen increases the effectiveness of the procedure and allows the beneficial substances from the massage oil to better penetrate into the deep layers of soft tissue. Sponge your legs, thighs and buttocks with warm water or a scrub. To warm up your skin, do this during a hot shower or immediately after a warm bath. Ideally, carry out the procedure in a bath when the pores are completely open.

After cleansing, apply special massage oil or preheated natural honey to your body. To enhance the effect of the procedure, use essential oils known for their anti-cellulite effect:

The technique is as follows:

  1. Start the massage with a rolling pin for cellulite from the thighs, holding it with both hands and massaging the skin with movements from bottom to top towards the stomach. Go over both legs, working the front, sides, outer and inner thighs.
  2. Move to your buttocks, making intense movements from the bottom up.
  3. On your stomach, you need to move the rolling pin very carefully, making superficial movements without pressing.
  4. Continue intensively working the soft tissues using circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise.
  5. Complete the procedure with movements from top to bottom - they activate the lymphatic drainage mechanism, forcing the body to get rid of excess fluid.

When finished, take a warm or cool shower with soap, dry your skin with a towel, and apply moisturizer or lotion. If you want to enhance the effect of the procedure, you can wear special warming underwear or wrap with plastic film.

Attention! During the first few sessions, the effects may be quite painful, and minor bruises and bruises may remain on the body. You should not be afraid of this - over time, the skin will get used to it and react correctly.


Massage can be done to all women who want to improve their figure and appearance of their skin:

  1. having excess weight;
  2. prone to edema;
  3. leading a sedentary lifestyle;
  4. those seeking to restore their figure, tighten their hips and remove their belly after childbirth;
  5. after significant weight loss to prevent sagging.

Before doing an anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin, make sure that you have no contraindications:

  1. acute conditions - high temperature, fever;
  2. infectious lesions in the area of ​​intended exposure;
  3. varicose veins and its complications - thrombophlebitis;
  4. open wounds, abrasions, rashes in the affected area.

Pregnancy, breastfeeding and other conditions accompanied by hormonal changes in the body are a conditional contraindication to anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin. Consult your doctor.

Reviews from women

According to reviews of women who performed the procedure, the effect of the sessions occurs after 3-4 weeks: the skin becomes smoother and more elastic. Body volumes decrease, swelling subsides. Anti-cellulite massage using a rolling pin is an effective procedure for combating orange peel at home. It is better to do it together with massage oils after a hot shower or bath to get the best results.

Video - Two weeks and you will forget about orange peel

Video - Flatten with a rolling pin. Olesya Kuznetsova

How to remove cellulite using a rolling pin? To do this, you must adhere to the correct massage technique. It is as simple and convenient as possible:

1) Initially, problem areas are heated. To do this, you need to roll the rolling pin from bottom to top with smooth movements. Initially, the front part of the thigh is processed, then the side, back and inside.

The duration of one movement should be no more than three minutes. After the first redness appears, the procedure stops. After this, the buttocks are warmed up using the same movements.


2) At the next stage of massage with a rolling pin for cellulite, it is necessary to continue treating the areas where the orange peel is observed. The sequence of processing areas remains the same.

At this stage, it is necessary to perform movements not only from top to bottom, but also vice versa. Thanks to these movements, the capillary system is activated, and the intensity of blood flow to the problem area is ensured. This effect contributes to the gradual smoothing of the orange peel.

During the period of performing anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin, it is necessary to ensure that no painful sensations arise. Intense movements by a person should be performed as carefully as possible.


3) At the next stage of the procedure, the removal of toxins and wastes that are present in the subcutaneous layer is carried out. A rolling pin massage for cellulite is carried out using the same method as in the first stage. Movements should be performed from the bottom up from the knee to the groin. At the final stage, the person makes circular massaging movements, which will finally get rid of toxins.


Video: anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin.


Of course, this procedure is useful and effective. But we must not forget about contraindications:

  1. You cannot do anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin on those parts of the body where there are wounds, abrasions, irritations, burns, or moles.
  2. If the skin is highly sensitive, it is better to refuse the procedure or do it very gradually.
  3. Varicose veins are a contraindication.
  4. It is worth postponing the session during pregnancy.
  5. High blood pressure is also a contraindication.


Of course, anti-cellulite massage with a rolling pin is very effective, so it is not surprising that it has many positive reviews. And thanks to the simplicity of the procedure, anyone can master this technique.

During the procedure, it is necessary to follow certain rules, which will ensure its maximum effectiveness. A particularly noticeable effect can be obtained if you combine massage with a rolling pin along with sports exercises for cellulite and proper nutrition.
