Myelomeningocele (Myelomeningocele)

Myelomeningocele is a congenital defect in the development of the neural tube, in which there is incomplete closure of the spinal canal in the lumbosacral spine.

This causes the meninges of the spinal cord and the spinal cord itself to protrude through the spinal defect, forming a saccular bulge. As a rule, with myelomeningocele, partial paralysis of the lower extremities and dysfunction of the pelvic organs are observed.

The main method of treating myelomeningocele is surgery - plastic surgery of the spinal defect and reduction of the protrusion of the membranes and spinal cord into the spinal canal. Symptomatic therapy is also carried out to correct impaired functions. With timely treatment, a significant improvement in the patient's condition is possible.

Myelopathy results from a delay in the development of the meninges and nerve trunk. Myelography demonstrates a large cavity in the spinal cord and multiple defects in its dorsal surface.

This pathology is characterized by the presence of congenital defects associated with the spinal cavity, the inability of the spinal cord tissue to form correctly and contain nervous tissue. May occur in infancy or during pregnancy. Meningomyelia is a congenital defect in the form of a split in the spinal cord above the subarachnoid space, resulting from a defect in the formation of the neural tube during embryonic development. The nerve roots remain intact, implying normal signals between the body and the brain.

Myelomeningiocele and its consequences Myelomeninggiocele is a congenital defect of neural tube development that manifests as leakage of cerebrospinal fluid through an open neural tube. This disease can lead to various serious consequences, such as disorders of motor functions, spinal cord, etc.

Causes and symptoms of myelomeningial cele The cause of myelomeningeal cele is a violation of the embryogenesis of the neural tube during its development from the first days after fertilization. As a result, crevices are formed through which brain fluid leaks. The resulting disturbances lead to pathological changes in the nervous system, impaired motor functions and the occurrence of posterior aggregation syndrome. Infants have hypotonia in the legs, a weak grasp reflex, and weakness in the legs. These signs are progressive and can lead to disability.

Patients with myelomyndocyol often also have defects in the brain, limbs, or spine. In addition, due to the lack of essential nutrients for the body, such children may be susceptible to anemia and immunity problems, which are also serious complications of migraine.

Myelomeningiocele is a form of neural tube defect and causes disability in many people. There is a congenital disorder in the formation of the spinal cord, as well as its membrane and the meninges located above it. It is often combined with defects in the closure of the spinal foramina connecting the spinal cord canal with its membranes (or the adjacent formation and membranes - syringomyelia). As a result of damage to the spinal cord, the functions of the pelvic organs are disrupted and sometimes delayed psychomotor development develops. There is a high risk of complications – pulmonary, renal and other forms of pathology in the prenatal period of a child’s development. In the postnatal period, surgical intervention is required.