Wrinkles on the face after sleep

Tell me how to avoid them? I sleep only on my side and stomach (I can’t sleep on my back, no matter how much I try), I wake up, and wrinkles appear under my eyes after sleep..
I try to immediately smooth it out with cream after sleep or with cosmetic oil, but they still slowly form..
Maybe there are some ways against them?

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I'll wait and see, same problem. Of course, it would be better to get used to sleeping on my back, but I can’t fall asleep in this position.

Do you know why Chinese and Japanese women have such young faces, regardless of their age?? Genetics, of course, BUT.
If you sleep on your side, then your head is on the back of your head (do not touch the pillow with your face)
2. Nutrition. Their MAIN diet includes seafood, rice and vegetables (rich in vitamins, amino acids and calagen.
3. Yoga.

I learned to sleep on my back thanks to eyelash extensions. You won't be able to sleep any other way! So I suffered for 2 days and fell asleep on my back on the 3rd) now I took off my eyelashes, but I developed the habit in 3 months!

Well, among the Chinese and Japanese it’s definitely not yoga, but Qigong.

Well, among the Chinese and Japanese it’s definitely not yoga, but Qigong.

On the contrary, my skin after sleep is smoother than ever, although I always sleep only on my stomach or side, never on my back

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On the contrary, my skin after sleep is smoother than ever, although I always sleep only on my stomach or side, never on my back

By the evening, do not drink ANY liquid at all, I do yoga, fitness, sleep only on my back, but I didn’t know that it was so useful and so difficult. Why is it not comfortable to sleep on your back?

I'll try to sleep on my back again, I hope it works. last time it didn't work out

you can fall asleep on your back, roll over on your side ten times at night, and wake up on your back in the morning. stupid sheep.

After pregnancy, I can only sleep on my side; I can’t sleep on my back.

"Constellation of Beauty" has fabric masks with Velcro. They are dressed at night. The look will be like Sharikov’s, but no creases or wrinkles! Learn to sleep on your back. Three days of torment and you'll get used to it.

5, oh how interesting! I also heard that when you sleep on your back, nasolabial lips do not form! Although genetics and the shape of the face are also considered here. As far as I know, chubby people practically never have nasolabial rashes. The same cannot be said about oval faces. What do you say? What kind of face do you have, by the way?

By the way, I was also completely exhausted while I learned to sleep on my back))) It’s damn terrible))) But I got used to it :)))!

Sometimes ice helps if your facial skin is not very good. sensitive. I have the same problem myself; I haven’t slept on my back since childhood, because... I have nightmares. Ice helps (add parsley juice to soften the water). Apply one cube to your face right in the morning over the sink.

5, oh how interesting! I also heard that when you sleep on your back, nasolabial lips do not form! Although genetics and the shape of the face are also considered here. As far as I know, chubby people practically never have nasolabial rashes. The same cannot be said about oval faces. What do you say? What kind of face do you have, by the way?

A plasticizing mask provides excellent results for muscle training.
http://lbmp.livejournal.com/ the nasolabial lips are no different, the skin becomes elastic (my friend said it’s like a crispy cucumber)
I recommend!

I used to wake up with the expression “like a tractor passing by.” Now everything is fine. Although I like to sleep on my stomach and I’m far from it. Want to know more

you can fall asleep on your back, roll over on your side ten times at night, and wake up on your back in the morning. stupid sheep.

you can fall asleep on your back, roll over on your side ten times at night, and wake up on your back in the morning. stupid sheep.

I pin small crabs) if I unconsciously lie on my side in a dream, then they quickly make themselves felt))

You can’t sleep on your back, ask any rheumatologist about problems with your back, neck and joints. guaranteed .

Products have already been developed that minimize pressure during side sleeping.

I only sleep on my stomach; I’m 36, I’ve been sleeping this way for as long as I can remember. Although my mother told me that even in infancy I kept turning over on my stomach, I didn’t want to lie any other way. Occasionally I sleep on my side... I won’t fall asleep otherwise. I can’t even lie on my back for a long time, my head is spinning ((I don’t know why. My face is crumpled, I don’t know what. And on one side even the nasolabium has appeared larger and nasolacrimal, although on the other side it’s not. ((

I also noticed that after sleep I have small wrinkles under my eyes. I’m only 21 years old, why is that? :(

Therefore, you need to lie on the pillow correctly :) Well, in general, everyone has such a thing. It just all depends on the elasticity of the facial skin. This means that it is not elastic enough, since it does not quickly return to its normal form. Go for mesotherapy or plasma lifting, it will solve the problem. In St. Petersburg you can go to the city’s medical center on Sredny 5.

I believe that the folds on your face depend not only on the position in which you sleep, but also on the time you sleep, activities during the day, and kidney function. I changed jobs, so new chairs and tables. At first it was uncomfortable to sit in a new workplace, but I got used to it. A month later, wrinkles appeared under the eyes. I just can't get rid of them. I sleep stable on my back


I can drink a glass of water 2-3 hours before. I can’t figure out what caused the folds under my eyes. On weekends they are smaller and almost smooth out.

For the first time in Russia, cosmeceuticals produced in Singapore for professional and post-salon care, something incredible, the quality is crazy, confirmed by GMP certificates (this is the best certificate for production, issued to only a few in the world) Link to the website and online store, www. newagebeauty.ru
www. celtec.ru, a replacement for expensive Botox and expensive salon procedures
This is not PR, people sell for 5-star spa hotels and beauty salons, they are the first to bring Singapore to Russia and it’s worth it, office on Kutuzovsky 36, you can also buy home care products there


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The expression “getting a good night's sleep” means not only to overcome fatigue, but also to slow down the aging process

Getting 7-8 hours of sleep a night is not only a fundamental principle of beauty, as Arianna Huffington emphatically states in her book The Sleep Revolution, but also essential for cellular regeneration. But not everything is so simple. Getting enough sleep and feeling refreshed in the morning is only half the battle; it’s important to do it in the right position. Disturbed sleep can have an extremely negative impact on the skin and cause the appearance of so-called “sleep wrinkles.” The epithet “sleepy” in the context of this material is, of course, conditional. And to be more precise, they are not “sleepy” at all, but very active and deep.

Scientific evidence for the phenomenon of sleep wrinkles was presented in a recent study published in the journal Aesthetic Surgery. The findings of University of Nevada professor Anson Goisel prove that sleeping in certain positions can greatly influence skin age and the aging process. The most harmful are positions on the side and stomach, as they can provoke the early appearance of wrinkles on the face, neck and décolleté. The explanation is quite logical: the pressure of the pillow and friction against the pillowcase every day for several hours leaves its mark.

“The first consequences of poor sleep position begin to appear after the age of 30-35,” explains the facial surgery expert in his publication. “From about this age, the amount of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the skin decreases, and the skin itself becomes thinner and more sensitive to such physical influence.”

The doctor notes: on which side the patient usually sleeps can be determined with the naked eye - there will be more wrinkles on this half of the face.

The delicate skin of the neck also suffers from our night vigils. For example, if the pillow is too high, you will quickly notice stripes-marks in the neckline area. The good news is that 90% of “sleep wrinkles” can be effectively “treated” with the right approach.

And here are three ways to help yourself.

First measure Precautions to prevent such wrinkles are to adapt to a new sleeping position: sleep only face up. And in order to avoid an involuntary turn, at first, until you get used to it, cover yourself on both sides with decorative pillows.

Second important point - pillowcase fabric. It should be breathable, like cotton, and as thin as possible so that the tight folds do not cut into the skin during 8 hours of sleep.

Third, most obvious - add anti-aging cosmetics with hyaluronic acid and antioxidants to your daily beauty rituals. Or fight wrinkles more radically, with platelet-rich plasma injections.

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The condition of our face may depend on how we are used to sleeping: after all, we create many wrinkles in our sleep.

Sleep and wrinkles

Not all women think about the fact that in our sleep we can create wrinkles on our face, and ones that can be very difficult to get rid of. This article is about what poses lead to wrinkles and how to protect your face from them.

"Tell me how you sleep and I'll tell you what wrinkles you have" — this phrase just begged to come out of my mouth when I first noticed in the mirror a decent wrinkle on my face, clearly formed with the help of my habit of pressing on my cheek in my sleep.

The youth of our face is not eternal, and the first wrinkles appear on everyone sooner or later. Most often, we discover the very first wrinkles unexpectedly and wonder for a long time, where did they come from? The first thought that comes to mind is: “oh my god, I’m getting old”! Of course, with age our skin does not become more elastic, but wrinkles are formed not only from old age - they are also caused by bad facial habits and the positions in which we sleep.

Everyone knows about expression wrinkles, but what We acquire some of the wrinkles in our sleep, few people think about it. But we spend a third of our lives (and for some, almost half) in sleep! That is, if we sleep face down or put our fist under our cheek so that it “slides” almost to the eye, we spend 8-10 hours a day creating wrinkles on our face! Remember, as in Elena Stepanenko’s monologue: “Woman, don’t sleep on your face.” There are many similar sleep positions that lead to the formation of wrinkles. Wrinkles between the cheek and the back of the nose, between the lower lip and chin, wrinkles across the crow's feet, worsening nasolabial folds, as well as various creases of the most bizarre shapes and sizes - most often this is the result of a night's sleep, during which the skin shifts, breaks or flattens.

No amount of creams or exercises will help get rid of these wrinkles if they continue to get worse every night.

You can, of course, use “first aid” remedies - a gentle finger massage with oil or cream in a circular motion along the wrinkle immediately after sleep, as well as a cupping massage with a weak vacuum in a circular or spiral motion along the wrinkle (no more than once a week).

But the best way — learn to sleep in a position in which the face remains smooth and inviolable. Most often, this is sleeping on your back or side so that your head lies not on your cheek, but on the back of your head, or at least on the area between the cheek and the back of your head. Most people prefer to sleep on their stomach, that is, face down, and relearning takes a considerable amount of time and requires persistence. To retrain yourself to sleep in a position that is safe for your face, you need to give yourself such a setting every night before going to bed and control, “check” yourself in your sleep. Some people find that a scarf tied in a knot over their stomach helps, making stomach sleeping uncomfortable and helping them gradually wean themselves off the downward-facing position. In this regard, I remember the film “Memoirs of a Geisha,” where the girls slept with wooden stands under their heads, which allowed them to sleep in only one position, in order to protect their complex hairstyle from creasing. Such extremes, of course, are inappropriate, but we must take conscious control over night sleep and our face into our own hands if we want to maintain the youth and beauty of our face.