Nephritis Hereditary Familial Hemorrhagic

Hereditary or familial hemorrhagic nephritis is a group of kidney disease syndromes that can be caused by genetic mutations. These disorders can lead to the development of various forms of the disease, such as glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis and others.

Hereditary familial hemorrhagic nephritis is

Hereditary familial nephritis, also known as nephrosis or hypernephrosis or hemorrhagic hereditary kidney (or hemoglobin shock) is one of the types of hereditary kidney pathology in which all structural elements of the kidney or any group of renal structures are damaged.

Hereditary familial CGN is an autoimmune kidney disease. It is characterized by damage to the glomeruli, tubules, and interstitium. It is important to know that this disease is genetic in nature. The basis of the disease is various hereditary anomalies. The disease is hereditarily predisposed. Women are more likely to develop the disease. The disease also does not depend on the patient’s age at the time of the onset of the primary disease process. Thus, not only the genetic disorder itself is hereditary, but also the consequences of its development. Only the kidneys are affected. Simultaneous renal changes do not cause other disorders in other organs. In most cases, the onset of the disease is observed in men and women between the ages of 35 and 49 years, and in most cases, patients with CGN die between six and six years after the onset of symptoms of the disease. The diagnosis of CGN is made by the attending physician based on the results of laboratory tests