Features of women's vitamin and mineral complexes.

Most of the fair sex, trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a slim silhouette, spend hours in the gym. Of course, such women should not take nutritional supplements, for example, gainer or protein, unless they significantly increase muscle mass. But you shouldn’t deny the importance of vitamins and minerals for the body.

After all, even with a normal lifestyle, the food a person eats cannot be fully absorbed in the absence of minerals or vitamins. Since the latter play a key role in the proper organization of the gastrointestinal tract.

The female body differs significantly from the male body not only visually, but also in terms of hormonal levels, as well as the special rhythm of the physiological processes of the body. Therefore, drugs of this group have now appeared on the market, the composition of which has been adapted by manufacturers as much as possible to the needs of female representatives. For example, even such a manufacturer as Optimum Nutrition recognized the above circumstances and developed special Opti-Women vitamins for women. In addition to bright packaging, the product has a perfectly balanced composition of nutrients that can eliminate any deficiency in vitamins and minerals.

The peculiarity of this drug and its analogues that exist on the sports nutrition market is that it contains elements that are not characteristic of already familiar vitamin supplements. For example, the appearance of female non-steroidal hormones - phytoestrogens - in the composition may be unexpected for most. Their properties are similar to those of priflavones, which have anabolic properties and normalize metabolic processes in bone tissue, increase its regenerative abilities, which reduces the risk of injury during sports.

In addition, women's vitamin and mineral complexes contain diuretics, which helps avoid the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and solve the problem of swelling. In addition, such vitamin supplements contain folic, pantothenic, alpha lipoic acid, vitamins A, K, C and B-groups, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium and many other components.

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