Nutrient Medium Shustova

**Shustova's nutrient medium** is one of the most well-known methods for cultivating microorganisms in biology. This is a medium consisting of three components: agar, peptone and casein. Agrovaya is often grown separately in lagers before being added to Shustovaya media. The main advantages of this medium is that it contains the necessary nutrients for the growth of microorganisms, such as carbohydrates, nitrogenous compounds and other biomolecules necessary for their normal functioning.

It is also worth noting that **the Shustova environment was developed by the Russian scientist** S. N. Shustov in 1924 and consists of the following elements:

1. **Agar** is a carbonized jesulate xanthone, which ensures good adsorption of microorganisms on its surface and protects them from dehydration.

2. **Peptone** is a fermented milk protein containing a large amount of essential amino acids, so this component plays an important role in maintaining the growth of microorganisms.

3. **Casein** is a natural protein from cheeses, which gives the Shustova nutrient medium high resistance to changes in pH and the content of microelements.

Systematic research in the search for effective herbal supplements, adaptogens and other biologically active substances was started at the Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine of the SB RAS. One example of successful research was a **series of works studying the adaptogenic effects** of palm extract - a product of processing the pulp of coconuts obtained from the stemless fruits of an evergreen tree. Optimal conditions for the processing of raw materials have been established, the results of studies of the spectrum of activity of biologically active compounds have been presented, a number of biologically active fragments exhibiting adaptogenic properties have been identified, and preliminary mechanisms of their action at the molecular level have been established. The work studied the specific features of the formation of the functional status of animals under the influence of the obtained adaptogens. Morphological