Preliminary Massage

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Preliminary massage

This type of massage is used immediately before exercise. Its goals are to assist the athlete before training and increase the functionality of the body before competing. Preliminary sports massage consists of several subtypes, each of which performs specific tasks and has its own methodology:

  1. Warm-up massage.
  2. Massage in pre-launch states (tonic and soothing)
  3. Warming massage.

Warm-up massage

Its use is necessary before performing at a competition or before training. After a warm-up massage, performance increases at the time of the exercise, start, etc. A session of such a massage favors the redistribution of blood in the body and improves the blood supply to working muscles, as well as increasing blood flow through the veins to the heart.

During a warm-up massage, you need to use techniques that most effectively affect blood circulation. These techniques include the double ring knead and the double bar. They must be used in combination with squeezing, felting and shaking.

Kneading should take up 80% of the time allotted for the entire massage session. This applies not only to general, but also to private massage. Kneading includes the following types: double ring; ordinary; circular with the pad of the thumb; pincer-shaped (on flat muscles).

After kneading, shaking should be done, and felting should be done on the hip and shoulder.

A warm-up massage is combined with a warm-up and complements it, but in no case replaces it. Studies and experiments have shown that warm-up massage is useful only when physical exercise is performed no later than 10 minutes after it.

Massage in pre-launch states

Preliminary massage helps regulate the athlete’s pre-start states; it reduces excessive excitement during the start-up fever and relieves the depressed state during the start-up apathy.

Preliminary massage differs from special physical exercises in that it does not require additional energy expenditure by the athlete.

There are three types of emotions that characterize the pre-start state: combat readiness for the upcoming competition, which is a positive reaction; pre-launch fever - increased reaction; initial apathy - reduced reaction.

Depending on the emotional coloring of the athlete’s pre-start state, a preliminary massage technique should be developed.

Warming massage

If there is a threat of hypothermia of the body or individual parts of the body, a warming massage is applied. It is carried out immediately before training, competition or during competition (between races, swims, fights).

A warming preliminary massage has a beneficial effect on blood circulation in those parts of the body that have been cooled during competitions, which often occurs in sports such as swimming, athletics, etc.

Warming massage promotes rapid and deep warming of muscles, increasing their contractility. As a result of a warming massage, body temperature rises, muscles and ligaments become more elastic and mobile, they are less susceptible to injury.