Flexor Big Toe Long

The flexor hallucis is a muscle that helps a person keep the big toe in the correct position when walking and running. It is located on the back of the foot and is responsible for bending the big toe towards the other toes.

The flexor hallucis has a long shape and starts from the calcaneus, passes through the foot and ends on the nail phalanx of the big toe. It consists of two heads - lateral and medial, which are connected to each other by a tendon.

When the lateral head of the flexor pollicis contracts, the finger bends to the lateral side, and when the medial head contracts, it bends to the medial side. Thus, the flexor pollicis helps a person maintain balance and stability when walking or running.

However, if the muscle is damaged or weakened, its function may be impaired. For example, if the flexor hallux is injured, a person may experience pain and difficulty walking because they cannot hold the big toe properly.

To prevent damage to the flexor of the big toe, you need to monitor your health and exercise regularly. It is also important to choose the right shoes that will fit the shape of your foot and will not put unnecessary pressure on the area.

If you have problems with the flexor of the big toe, you should consult an orthopedic doctor for diagnosis and treatment. In some cases, surgery may be required to restore muscle function.

Bend your big toe inward; it is responsible for its movement. If it is rotated along its axis, it will move normally. Thus, if you need to bend it, then everything is simple - we turn the middle and index fingers, and the thumb will bend. But what if we need to straighten up? Here we will have to first raise the leg from the floor (not to be confused with a vertical lift), despite the fact that bending the big toe will not give the same result. Most movements, as a rule, are performed by muscle groups in pairs - flexion of opposite joints (in the case of the big toe, the foot will bend due to the lateral (