Flexor Carpi Ulnaris

The flexor carpi (ulnar) muscle is located on the inside of the forearm and is responsible for flexing the wrist. It begins on the radius and attaches to the base of the thumb. Wrist flexion occurs when the arm bends at the elbow joint.

The flexor carpi muscle is one of the most important muscles for performing various tasks such as writing, drawing, working with tools, etc. However, this muscle can also be susceptible to injury and disease such as tendonitis, which can lead to pain and limited mobility.

To prevent injuries and muscle diseases, it is necessary to strengthen the wrist flexor with the help of exercises and the correct technique for performing movements. It is also important to monitor your diet and lifestyle to maintain healthy muscles and joints.

**Flexor carpi ulnaris** is a muscle located on the anterior surface of the ulna. Function: moves the III, IV and V metacarpal bones, due to which the hand pronates. The flexor carpi ulnaris includes three muscles: - flexor digitorum longus - the muscle is wide, flat, lies on the lateral and medial sides of the tibia, starts from the process of the ulna, passes forward, arcing around the lateral surface of the scapula, and is attached to the third, fourth and fifth finger