Bodybuilding competition

We have already noted more than once that Russia has long held strength and beauty contests male build. The winners were determined panel of judges, consisting of representatives of the local sports community and spectators. None approved judging rules there was none, but the jury and spectators always quite accurately and objectively identified the winner with a beautiful body build.

Today competition rules already exist and are operating successfully. They are set out in the Charter of the International Federation of Bodybuilding (guidelines for judges, participants, organizers, 1987). Let's consider the main provisions of this document concerning the organization and conduct of competitions, judging and some rules.

  1. Judging and general rules for bodybuilding competitions
  2. Refereeing and its features
  3. Features of the women's competition
  4. Second half of the tournament

Judging and general rules for bodybuilding competitions

Bodybuilding competitions consist of two semi-finals and a final in each subgroup - weight category. Men's competitions contain five weight categories, women's and juniors - three each:

  1. Men: flyweight - including 65 kg, light - 66-70, medium - 71-80, light heavy - 81-90, heavy - over 90.
  2. Women: light weight - 52 kg, medium - 53-57, heavy - over 57.
  3. Juniors: light weight - 70 kg, medium - 71-80, heavy - over 80.

Junior age (for both boys and girls) is considered to be up to 21 years of age, after which the athlete becomes an adult. The date of birth is documented during the weigh-in process before the actual start of the competition.

To conduct the competition, you need: a chief judge, a secretary, 9 judges (7 or 5 are possible), two judges conducting calculations, a timekeeper, the main organizer (master of ceremonies) and the required number of assistants for the participants. Women's championships are also served by 9 judges (7, 5), and five of them are women.

Official special form for male judges - a blue jacket, light blue or white shirt with a tie, and for women - a blue jacket, light blue or white blouse and gray skirt.

Before the performance of athletes of each category referee commission must be properly presented to athletes and spectators. The judges are located in front of the stage at separate tables with chairs in order to have a clear view of the posing pedestal and the candidate-participant located on it. An additional table is also installed for the secretary and two judges conducting calculations. There should be a place for the announcer on the side of the stage.

Table judges do not have the right to talk to each other, encourage or criticize athletes, or take photographs of them.

According to the International Rules, there is even a waiter who delivers refreshments to the judges at the tables at a convenient time.

Competition Secretary compiles lists of all participants by weight category and, having reproduced them, distributes them to everyone related to the competition.

Exit order for participants for display to the judges is determined during weigh-in; in accordance with it, everyone is given a number within their category. The number is attached to the left edge of your swimming trunks or bikini and must be worn during competitions and finals.

At international competitions, checks are carried out for doping according to paragraph 20 of the IOC Statutes.

After weighing they pass bodybuilding preliminary competition, which are open to spectators.

Scene for participants it is located in front of the judges at a height of 1 m, otherwise the chairs must be raised. The stage is equipped three lighting devices, the first of which is necessary to illuminate the entire line of the participants at the moment when they first appear before the judges. The second device focuses on the location of the individual posing, and the third illuminates the posing of the six participants.

On the stage posing platform must be centrally located so that each judge can see the athletes standing on it from head to toe. In order for six participants to perform comfortably, it must be six meters long, one and a half meters wide and half a meter high, covered with a carpet on top, the front and sides painted black. Athletes enter the stage-podium from one side and go to the other.

Men - competition participants must wear plain swimming trunks, and women - in plain bikinis that expose the abdominal muscles and lower back muscles. It is forbidden to sew clothes from material with metal (gold or silver fabric for evening dresses), or to use padding. Competitors are not allowed to wear shoes, watches, rings, bracelets, pendants, earrings, wigs, distracting ornaments or artificial body enhancers. It is forbidden: chewing gum, eating or sucking candy, and smoking. During the preliminary competitions and finals, the use of all kinds of artificial aids (objects, canes, hats and other accessories) is strictly prohibited.

You can use artificial body paint, applying it no later than 24 hours before the competition. Excessive application of oils to the body is strictly prohibited, but creams, oils and moisturizers can be used. Hair should not hide the relief of the muscles of your shoulders, as well as the upper back.

Refereeing and its features

If they compete in a weight category more than 15 athletes, a selection must be made to reduce the number of participants to 15. All athletes in the category line up in an organized manner on the stage (if necessary, in 2 lines) strictly in the order of their numbers. Next, the chief judge of the competition asks the participants to perform 4 poses:

  1. I) double biceps in front,
  2. II) side chest,
  3. III) double biceps at the back,
  4. IV) and calves, abs and thighs

The show is performed by 5 participants at a time, in numerical order. The judges will determine the top 15 athletes by marking their numbers with a cross (x) on the scoresheet for the semi-finals.

In the semi-finals (1 category, 1 part), each of the 15 participants poses freely for a minute to their own musical accompaniment; in the absence of the latter, it is provided.

When evaluating the 1st round of the 1st part, the judge must pay attention to the demonstration of a pumped-up body in an artistic and well-thought-out program. It is important that posing does not become just a series of movements. The applicant must show all angles of his body - I) from the front, II) from behind and III) from the sides, as well as all leading muscle groups. Points are deducted for: poor-quality posing and harmoniously underdeveloped body parts.

Then (I category, II part) all 15 finalists are again called to the stage as a group strictly in numerical order, who perform two turns, now in a relaxed position (showing the body from the front and back). Having completed this phase, the judges move on to comparing 7 mandatory poses (for girls, as well as pairs - 5), demonstrated by 5 athletes.

Features of the women's competition

Evaluating female physique, the judge must look for the ideal muscular female body shape. Other aspects are similar to those described for assessing male postures, however, muscle development should not appear excessive, resembling a powerfully muscular male physique. Also, the relief of women’s muscles should not be confused with the consequences of exhaustion caused by excessive weight loss.

In the first round, the judges try to detect some other flaws that are often invisible in men - skin breaks, surgical scars, etc. The judges must observe grace And graceful gait, and posing.

Tables of judges' scores, statistical sheets filled out by the persons conducting the calculations, other documents are the same as those filled out when judging men's competitions.

Round I of Part II evaluates the overall shape and form of the various muscle groups. The judge favorably treats participants with harmonic, classic physique, highlights good posture, encourages athletic behavior, clear correct anatomical structure:

  1. I) the skeleton of the body,
  2. II) broad shoulders,
  3. III) high chest,
  4. IV) correctly arched back,
  5. V) good proportions of the torso and limbs,
  6. VI) straight legs,
  7. vii) good skin with no blemishes, pimples, tattoos,
  8. VIII) neatly trimmed hair,
  9. ix) good shape of feet and toes.

If difficulties arise in the distribution of prizes between two or three participants, the judge looks for shortcomings according to the criteria listed above.

Both parts semi-finals count as one round. The judge classifies the participants, distributing from 1st to 15th, without giving anyone the same places. The scoring judge removes the two highest and two lowest scores and adds up the remaining five places. When a competition is held by 7 or 5 judges, the highest and lowest scores are discarded. The total placings of each participant determine the top six athletes for the final. This method is used to select finalists in each weight category.

In the final, six participants perform free posing to music chosen by themselves, and then all together demonstrate seven separate poses (women and couples - five). Personal free posing and poses for mandatory display constitute, as it were, the second round of the competition. One-minute posing is not scored. The judges place the finalists in 1st to 6th place, and the scorers, again removing the two highest and two lowest scores, add up the remaining five. The total amount is added to the number of places scored by the participant in the semi-finals. The athlete with the lowest number of places in 2 rounds is the winner. The final is served by the same 9 (7 or 5) judges who conducted the preliminary competitions.

If any judge gives a score, significantly different given by other judges, the competition secretary may ask for an explanation.

The secretary has the right remove the judgewho is biased, incompetent towards athletes, or behaves unworthily.

In each category, after the finals and posing, a award ceremony — while the finalists are lined up on the back half of the stage. Sometimes a posing platform can be used as a podium. The announcer announces the name of the participant who earned 6th place, and he climbs onto the pedestal, taking a place on the left side. Then the athletes who received 5th - 2nd places are named, and finally winner, which becomes in the center.

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