Teaching Preschoolers the Language of Feelings

Teaching preschoolers the language of feelings

The topic of our conversation is teaching children speech, but not quite the usual one, but what psychologists called the language of feelings. This term is more common in medical and psychological literature.

Doctors have noticed that people with poor emotional vocabularies often suffer from various diseases. Experts have proven that the inability to talk about one’s feelings is a disease and called it alexithymia. This word was known to the ancient Greeks.

It turns out that emotional release requires verbal expression. One of the mechanisms for such emotional release is the analysis of feelings using words. What if there are no words?

We want our children not to find themselves without a language of feelings. Therefore, we teach them to be attentive to their sensations, feelings and emotions. At first this is an unconscious process, then with the help of speech one becomes aware of one’s feelings and manages them.

What does mastering the language of feelings include:

  1. Mastery of vocabulary naming various emotional states.

  2. Mastering phrases and special speech behavior to resolve conflicts.

  3. Mastering polite words that reflect goodwill.

  4. The ability to give compliments and sincerely praise others.

  5. The ability to listen, understand behind words, read body language.

The language of feelings helps a child express himself, protect himself, and express his attitude towards others and himself. Emotional responsiveness and sensitivity are signs of spiritual culture.

To develop the language of feelings, you can use fiction, games, conversations about feelings and emotions. It is important to teach a child to analyze his experiences and share them. And also show empathy and understanding towards other people. Then communication will become more constructive and friendly.