Therapy Hydration

The term hydration is used to refer to the varying levels of water in the body. In simple words, we can say that the volume of water changes throughout the day and depends on many factors, including gender, age, time of day, environment, physical activity, nutrition, and so on. If we talk about the average person, then using men as an example, it is generally accepted that 55-60% of the total blood volume and 77% of all body fluids (35% of water in the blood and as much as 42% of intracellular fluid) are water.

The water content in the tissues and organs of our body may vary, but the general trend for the adult body is that in women its amount is

Title: What is hydration therapy, or is dehydration a method of combating it?

Hydration therapy or dehydration is one of the most popular body detoxification treatments. This method is used to restore the balance of water in the body and normalize the functioning of all its systems under various conditions. In this article we will talk about what hydration is, what types there are and what effect it brings to the body.

What is hydration and why is it needed?

The term hydration means the introduction of additional water into the body to compensate for its loss due to exposure to certain factors: heat, high air temperature, water procedures or other conditions that lead to dehydration of the body. In other words, hydration is adding a certain amount of water to the body.

However, remember that hydration is not always a reason not to add it!

There are two main types of hydration - external and internal. The external type involves the flow of fluid inside our body. For example, drinking water or other drinks. This type of hydration can be used both for preventive purposes (to increase immunity) and in the treatment of various diseases. At the same time, it is worth remembering