Waiting for the colder weather

Autumn still spoils us with its last delightfully warm days. However, life experience and everyday ingenuity persistently suggest that this wonderful time will soon end, and yet the cold will come, which can have a very negative impact on both the mood and appearance. So it is necessary to meet this annual nuisance fully armed. What do you need to do in the last fine days?

Go shopping. Sales of autumn collections are already in full swing, it's time to get a warming new thing. By the way, for winter it is better to choose red clothes - color therapy experts are sure that it speeds up metabolic processes and increases body temperature, which means it provides better warmth in cold weather. And bright colors also help to cope with autumn depression, which very often hits us with the onset of autumn bad weather. So it’s quite possible to buy a couple of bright trinkets that will remind you of the summer sun.

Update cosmetics. It's time to stock up on special winter cosmetics that take into account the peculiarities of our difficult climate. Practice shows that exposed areas of the body that will be exposed to harsh winds and cold air are especially in need of special care. Therefore, at a minimum, you will need hand sanitizer and a face mask.

Stop by the pharmacy. During periods of sudden temperature changes, a cold on the lips tends to remind you of itself, during which it is impossible to look at yourself in the mirror without tears. Therefore, it makes sense to acquire an effective remedy that will help you quickly cope with herpes. You will also need a multivitamin complex, because the amount of nutrients in fruits and vegetables inexorably decreases with each day of storage. And this has a very bad effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Go to a beauty salon. There are many beauty treatments for which autumn is considered the most suitable time of year. They are not recommended in the summer, because it is almost impossible to protect yourself from exposure to the sun, and it can harm the skin in the first time after the procedure. So now is the right time to leave some cosmetic problems in the past and become a real beauty.

Stock up on winter products. Nutritionists unanimously consider porridge to be the best breakfast for the cold season: it supplies the body with complex carbohydrates, which provide energy until lunch. So it’s worth choosing the type of porridge that will not only satisfy your appetite, but also delight you with its taste, because a good mood and optimism are what best warms you up in the cold season!

And don’t forget that not only cold and bad weather await us ahead. We will also have a wonderful opportunity to take a fresh look at our hometown, transformed in the fall, and rustle to our hearts’ content with the golden foliage that covers the streets and park paths with a unique carpet.