What Hinders a Woman During Pregnancy?


Many women think that during pregnancy they are bound to experience various kinds of troubles. Pregnancy, in particular, means morning sickness for most. Nausea is a bogeyman for women no matter what class of society they belong to. Although in fact it has been recorded that nausea after lunch occurs no less often than in the morning! In this case, a conditioned reflex is triggered: having heard that nausea is a sign of pregnancy, young women consider it necessary and sufficient evidence that they are pregnant. And then nausea and even vomiting begins, as confirmation of their condition. Everything happens according to the teachings of I.P. Pavlov: the association becomes so definite that the very thought of pregnancy triggers a chain of conditioned reflexes in the brain.

Of course, there is a certain percentage of women whose nausea is objectively explained by chemical changes occurring in the body. But at the same time, a huge number of women never experience nausea throughout their entire pregnancy. It should be explained to the woman from the outset that nausea is not a necessary symptom of pregnancy and that any such urges can be controlled.

Eating whims, increased sensitivity to smells, and even to sounds and sights are a matter of great concern for many. Some women develop an acute dislike for the smell of a particular food or, conversely, an urgent need for another. These changes in perception can cause quite a lot of anxiety if the pregnant woman does not discuss the situation with a medical specialist.

Frequent urination

In the eleventh to thirteenth week, patients often complain of frequent urination. The uterus may be putting some pressure on the pelvis; perhaps it is slightly bent back. This situation corrects itself after some time.
At the end of pregnancy, frequent urination also often occurs, due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder and due to the descent of the fetus into the lower part of the pelvis before childbirth.


This problem should not occur if the food contains sufficient fiber and bran. To maintain normal bowel activity in the morning, on an empty stomach, it is enough to drink a glass of warm water with or without a spoonful of honey mixed in it. You should not take any medications without a specific doctor's prescription.

It is very important that constipation does not develop during the last days of pregnancy, as hard masses in the rectum can cause difficulties during the final stages of labor. If the bowels are moving regularly, the first contractions will stimulate bowel movements, so an enema is not required.


Many women at the beginning of pregnancy complain of fatigue and constant drowsiness. Changes in a woman's body remind her to get more rest and change her daily routine to maintain the highest level of health for herself and her baby.

Fatigue may not be the result of physical fatigue, but of the emotional restructuring that occurs in a woman during pregnancy. If a woman wants to cry, then that’s good, because nothing relieves stress and gives such peace as tears.

If the expectant mother’s fatigue and tearfulness are constantly present, then it is worth drawing her attention to the fact that there are enough people around who are worried about her well-being, that there is a loving and caring husband next to her. One cannot underestimate the important role that loved ones play during pregnancy and childbirth.