Rules for facial care after 30

After 30 years, our skin, for physiological reasons, begins to gradually lose its firmness and elasticity, as a result of which the first wrinkles appear. That is why at this age facial skin care should be correct, targeted and constant. The time for experimentation has passed; mistakes in care will immediately affect the face with new wrinkles and folds. To prevent this from happening, follow the tips and basic rules for skin care after 30 years.


  1. What happens to a woman’s facial skin after 30 years of age?
  2. Stages of facial skin care after 30 years
  1. Cleansing and toning.
  2. Day and night facial care.
  3. Proper makeup removal.
  4. Caring for the skin around the eyes.
  5. Masks in facial skin care after 30 years.
Homemade recipes for face masks if you are over 30 Tips for facial skin care after 30 years


What happens to a woman’s facial skin after 30 years of age?

In this age category, skin withering occurs in absolutely all women, only the intensity of the process is different for everyone and depends on hereditary factors, lifestyle, regularity and proper care. To understand what to pay attention to first in facial care, you need to have an idea of ​​what happens deep in the skin tissues. Namely:

  1. The skin intensively loses moisture.
  2. Metabolism slows down.
  3. The secretion of secretions from the sebaceous glands decreases, the lipid layer thins and the stratum corneum thickens.
  4. Your own production of collagen and elastin fibers decreases, elasticity decreases and wrinkles appear.
  5. Blood flow in the tissues is disrupted, worsening the skin tone.
  6. Muscle tone decreases, against the background of which sagging cheeks, drooping corners of the mouth are observed, and nasolabial folds appear.

Based on this, daily care should be comprehensive and include procedures such as cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nutrition, and protection. A special role is also played by the use of special means, salon procedures, a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle (including adequate sleep for at least 7 hours, giving up bad habits).

Many women, due to lack of time or simply laziness, do not take care of themselves, hiding imperfections and minor defects on their faces with decorative cosmetics. The latter can help up to a certain point, but then it will not be possible to “cover up” or refresh aging skin with wrinkles. Therefore, regular care appropriate to your skin type and age should become an immutable rule for any woman.

Stages of facial skin care after 30 years

Cleansing and toning.

Skin cleansing is a preliminary procedure that plays a special role. All cosmetics, any anti-aging procedures are applied and carried out exclusively on a clean face, otherwise their use becomes useless, since nutrients simply cannot penetrate deep into the epidermis through the keratinized layer of cells.

For women over 30 years of age, the use of soap is contraindicated; it dries the skin, destroying the upper protective layer, accelerating the aging process. To do this, you should use special products (foams, gels, etc.). In the morning, just wash your face with water at room temperature (mineral, filtered) with foam (for oily skin) or wipe with cosmetic milk/emulsion (for dry skin or prone to dryness). In the evening, the cleansing process should be more thorough. In addition to regular cleansers, it is necessary to use store-bought or homemade scrubs/gommages (for dry skin once a week, for oily skin - 2 times a week) and masks with a deep cleansing effect. Such procedures promote cellular renewal and improve cell respiration. Before the procedure, you need to steam the skin using a steam bath. When washing your face, it is useful to use a special soft brush; it perfectly exfoliates dead cells and stimulates blood circulation.

After washing your face, pat your face lightly with a soft towel, without rubbing or stretching the skin, so as not to cause irritation and dryness. Toning (applying a tonic) will complete the cleansing process and restore the skin's water balance. For the dry type, it is necessary to use alcohol-free tonics with vitamins and dietary supplements; you can replace them with ice cubes made from herbal infusions of chamomile, calendula, parsley, sage, rosemary (1 tbsp of raw materials per glass of boiling water), or a mixture of 1 tsp. honey, 6 tbsp. l. boiled water and 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, or brewing green tea with the addition of lemon juice. Additionally, cosmetologists recommend using thermal water during the day for those with dry skin. For oily skin, a lotion with a low alcohol content is more suitable.

Day and night facial care.

The choice of day cream should correspond to the characteristics and needs of skin after 30 years. You should not use anti-aging products if you are under 35 years old, as this helps reduce the synthesis of youth components in the skin. All skincare products (except for night cream and serum) must contain protective filters (SPF at least 45-50). To maintain youthful and elastic skin, the day cream must contain antioxidant vitamins C and E, hyaluronic acid, substances that promote the production of collagen and elastin, and retinoids to accelerate cellular renewal.

For evening care, you should use a special night cream with intense nourishing and regenerating effects in accordance with your skin type. It is desirable that such a product contain coenzymes, collagen, vitamins, retinoids, ceramides, peptides, hydroacids, and natural substances (aloe, chamomile, essential oils, calendula). The cream should be applied after cleansing and toning the skin, only used at night an hour and a half before bedtime in combination with self-massage. Remains of the product are removed with a cosmetic napkin with light blotting movements 10-15 minutes before bedtime. Night cream after 35 years should contain enzymes, phytoestrogens, hormones, amino acids, and biologically active substances.

Skin care after 35 should include the use of cosmetic serums (serums), they increase its elasticity and firmness, get rid of age spots, and reduce wrinkles. They are applied in courses of 1-2 months under a day and night remedy twice a year.

Proper makeup removal.

To remove makeup, women over 30 need to use a special cleansing cream or lotion. Finally, wipe your face with tonic.

Caring for the skin around the eyes.

The area around the eyes is very thin and delicate, there are no sebaceous glands there at all, which is why the first wrinkles appear on it. After 30 years, it is also necessary to use a special product for this area that solves exactly your problems. For example, a cream for dark circles under the eyes, a cream for puffiness around the eyes, a cream for wrinkles around the eyes or a gel with a lifting effect around the eyes, etc. The product is applied morning and evening to cleansed skin.

Masks in facial skin care after 30 years.

For additional nutrition, hydration and lifting of the skin, it is important to include face masks with biologically active ingredients, minerals and oils in your care.

Homemade face mask recipes if you are over 30

Cleansing and softening clay-honey mask.

White clay – 1 tbsp. l.
Brewing green tea.

Pour the clay powder over tea leaves until a paste-like mass is formed. Apply the mixture to a cleansed and steamed face, hold for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. At the end of the procedure, moisturize your face with cream.

Green vitamin mask.

Chopped mixture of fresh parsley, lettuce and spinach - 2 tbsp. l.
Potato starch or oatmeal – 1 tsp.

Mix the ingredients and apply to cleansed face. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in warm water and rinse with cool water. Apply moisturizer to your face.

Rejuvenating mask with yeast.

Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Fresh yeast – 20 g.
Peach oil.

Grind the yolk and mix with yeast. Separately, heat the oil in a water bath and add to the egg-yeast mixture to obtain a thick consistency. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with warm water and rinse with cool water, lubricate your face with a suitable skin care product.

Video: Rejuvenating mask with a lifting effect for the skin of the face and neck.

Softening mask.

Banana pulp – 1 pc.
High fat cream – 1 tsp.
Starch – ½ tsp.

Grind all ingredients until smooth and apply to face. After 20 minutes, rinse with cool water and lubricate your face with an appropriate cream.

Anti-wrinkle oil mask.

Vegetable oil – 100 ml.
Chamomile flowers – 1 tsp.
Honey – 1 tbsp. l.
Rowan juice – 1 tbsp. l.

Combine the components and heat in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. Apply the mixture to a centimeter layer of cotton wool, then on the face and leave for half an hour. After the time has passed, wash with cool water and apply a nourishing product to your face.

Whitening mask.

Lemon juice – 2 tsp.
Egg white – 1 pc.
Egg yolk – 1 pc.
Vegetable oil – 3 drops.

Thoroughly beat the egg white with lemon juice (1 tsp), apply the mask in several layers (2-3) to the skin using a cosmetic brush, and apply the next one as the previous layer dries. Next, apply a mixture of oil and yolk to the dried layer, leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Carrot refreshing anti-wrinkle mask.

Fresh small carrots – 1 pc.
Potato starch – 1 tsp.
Chicken egg white – 1 pc.

Mix the ingredients and apply to the face, neck and décolleté. After half an hour, remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in water at room temperature. At the end of the procedure, moisturize your face with cream.

Mask against wrinkles on the forehead.

Medium fat cream - 1 tsp.
Egg white – 1 pc.

Beat the ingredients and apply to the skin of the face. After 20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature.

To maintain skin tone and elasticity after 30 years, it is useful to make fruit masks from strawberries, black currants, peach, raspberries, cucumbers; they nourish and soften the skin. If the consistency is too liquid, you can add cottage cheese or sour cream to the mask.

Tips for skin care after 30 years

  1. Age shows not only the face, but also the neck, which requires the same regular care.
  2. During this age period, you should completely avoid tanning.
  3. Moisturizers after 30 years should be used 2 times a day.
  4. Any skin care products should be applied with your fingertips, following the massage lines.
  5. Do not drink a lot of liquid at night to avoid swelling and bags under the eyes.
  6. At this age, you need to actively monitor your facial expression, not squint, etc.
  7. Twice a year it is advisable to conduct a course of lymphatic drainage facial massage or professional facial massage.
  8. If possible, visit a cosmetologist; professional procedures will help solve many problems.
  9. In order to slow down the process of withering, it is useful to take preparations of golden root, ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, and eleutherococcus.

Of course, it is very difficult to follow all the rules, especially when there is a family, children, work, and there is always not enough time. But it is at this age that it is very important to observe them, because at the age of 30 the peak of life activity begins, when special attention must be paid to facial care. Regular comprehensive facial skin care after 30 years will slow down the aging process and help maintain youthful and attractive skin for many years.

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About a woman who has reached the age of 30, we say with confidence that she is in the prime of her beauty and strength. However, her skin (depending on the type) may already be entering a period of withering. It gradually begins to lose elasticity, which causes the formation of wrinkles. This process is accelerated by unfavorable ecology, stress and work. All this negatively affects the skin color, making it duller, and also contributes to the formation of dark circles and swelling in the area under the eyes. That is why every woman should know how to properly care for her facial skin after 30 years. This will help maintain its attractive appearance.

What happens to the skin?

In a person who has crossed the age of 30, metabolic processes in the body begin to slow down. His skin becomes dehydrated and loses its elasticity over time. To a lesser extent, the production of elastin and collagen occurs, which preserve the youth of our face. After their level decreases in the skin cells, the first wrinkles appear on it.


But this age also has its positive aspects. After 30 years, the sebaceous glands significantly reduce their productivity. This leads to the disappearance of acne, blackheads and other types of inflammation on the face, which upset almost all young girls. However, the skin becomes drier. That is why, having crossed the 30-year mark, a woman should purchase skincare products that are fundamentally different from those she previously used. At this age, it is necessary to use moisturizing creams that are characterized by a denser structure and contain oils (for example, sea buckthorn or rose hips).

During this period, disruption of blood flow in tissues also occurs. This phenomenon causes the appearance of nasolabial folds. The corners of the mouth and cheeks gradually begin to sag. The complexion deteriorates significantly. Its tone becomes dull and uneven. This process is more pronounced in those women who regularly smoke and drink alcohol. There is also a possibility of developing pigment spots.

To prevent such changes, proper facial skin care is necessary after 30 years. In combination with an active lifestyle and proper nutrition, it will slow down the aging process, prolonging a woman’s youth.

Skin types

Before you begin the procedures, you will need to understand some of their subtleties and nuances. How to take care of your skin after 30? It is impossible to get a definite answer to such a question. After all, there are different types of skin. And each of them requires a special attitude.

When following the sequence of facial skin care after 30 years, at the first stage you will need to decide on your skin type in order to choose the most effective products. And it could be:

  1. Normal. Such skin does not have any special defects in the form of oily sheen, spots and spider veins. Taking care of such a face is not difficult. However, you need to know that if a woman treats this issue negligently, this can provoke activation of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Combined. It is not difficult to recognize this skin type by the oilier T-zone on the face.
  3. Dry. On a face with such skin, you can see vascular networks. This type of coat is dry, and if it is not properly cared for, it will quickly become wrinkled.
  4. Bold. A person whose skin actively produces sebaceous glands can be identified immediately. It is constantly covered with a noticeable layer of fat. But those who are already over 30 do not need to worry about this. For oily skin, facial care becomes easier after 30 years. At this age, the skin usually becomes combination. This will require routine care from the woman.

How to take care of your skin after 30? One of the most important conditions for carrying out all procedures is determining its type. Any homemade product or one offered by cosmetic product manufacturers has an indication of it.

Care for normal skin type

The first stage of procedures for prolonging the youth of the face for those over 30 is washing with cool water. After it, a light massage is needed in the form of a simple or targeted pat. Such actions will improve tone, increase blood circulation, and also supply the epidermis with nutrients.


Daily facial skin care after 30 years includes the mandatory use of moisturizing creams and masks. As for nutritional preparations, their use is not recommended. After all, such products can stimulate the appearance of wrinkles. In the evening hours, normal skin needs to be cleansed. To do this, use a special milk, gel or mask.

Care for dry skin types

What are the features of these procedures? Caring for dry skin after 30 involves mandatory morning manipulations. This is cleansing with a tonic followed by a massage, as well as applying any product that has a high fat content (sour cream, yogurt or kefir). You can also make your own homemade mask. After it, you need to apply a moisturizer.

In the evening, repeated manipulations are carried out using a cleansing tonic. Be sure to also apply a moisturizer, which cosmetologists allow to alternate with any nourishing cream.

Care for oily skin types

What procedures should be carried out for someone who suffers from excessive secretions of the sebaceous glands? Caring for problem skin after 30 should be carried out by following certain rules. First of all, a woman will need to wash herself thoroughly. The water must be warm, but not hot. This procedure is performed in the evening and in the morning. In addition to washing your face with water, it includes cleansing procedures, followed by moisturizing and nourishing.

What products are used to care for oily skin after 30 years? It is recommended to carry out cleansing using a gel that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It is not advisable to use mousses, milks and foams. Next, the skin should be rinsed with water and wiped with lotion. This product will tighten the pores and protect the face from the development of inflammatory processes.

To care for oily skin after 30, you will need to choose the right cream. It needs to be moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging. Its use is not necessary in the morning. A woman will only need to apply a tonic, as well as a product that is used to apply makeup.

Caring for oily skin after 30 years involves additional care. It is recommended to perform such procedures twice a week. They involve deeper cleansing of pores using a scrub, as well as applying a mask that heals minor inflammations. Peeling more often is not recommended, as this will make the skin dehydrated.

Care for combination skin types

These procedures are quite simple, but require the implementation of all recommendations of specialists.


And they are as follows:

  1. selection of cosmetics intended only for this skin type;
  2. when using homemade formulations, give preference to recipes intended for dry and oily skin types, which are applied to the corresponding areas of the face;
  3. conducting weekly deep cleaning;
  4. the use of masks made from birch, St. John's wort, citrus fruits, cucumbers, yarrow or other medicinal plant materials.

How to take care of facial skin after 30, if it is of a combination type, in the evening? Before going to bed, you should cleanse and apply cream. It should be designed for combination skin. You can also make a special mask.

Sensitive skin

Any woman needs to take care of her face by nourishing, cleansing and moisturizing it. But sensitive skin requires much more attention. That is why it is necessary to know all the nuances of performing such procedures.

First, it’s worth understanding what sensitive skin is. It is caused by a small amount of nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in the body. Skin sensitivity is often caused by improper skin care or poor environmental conditions. Such factors lead to disruption of the hydrolipid layer of the epidermis. At the same time, the skin becomes covered with spots and begins to peel off. Sometimes such sensitivity is inherited. The reason for this is the small number of sebaceous glands, as well as their low activity. And this is provided for by nature itself. For all the reasons listed above, the skin stops secreting oil and does not retain moisture inside itself. Metabolic processes fail and the life cycle of cells is shortened. The skin becomes thinner, making age-related changes noticeable.


Caring for sensitive skin after 30 doesn't have to be complicated. This applies to both the drugs used and the formulation of the drugs. The main rule of caring for such skin is to use as few products as possible. In the morning you should wash your face with cool or warm water. In the evening, remove dirt and makeup with a mild cleansing milk. Next, it is recommended to lightly blot your face with tonic or eau de toilette without alcohol.

When purchasing cosmetics for sensitive skin, you need to look for the inscription “hypoallergenic” on its packaging. It contains no irritants.

Daily procedures

Let's consider the main stages of facial skin care after 30 years.


According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, it is important for women not to violate the following rules:

  1. Wash your face in the morning and in the evening. To do this, use foam, milk or gel. The composition of such a product should not contain sulfates that can destroy the lipid barrier. Mineral or purified water is most suitable for washing, because tap water contains a large number of impurities that can damage the epidermis.
  2. Skin toning. At this stage, a toner is applied to the face. This product neutralizes the negative effects of tap water on the skin in cases where purified water was not used.
  3. Using a moisturizing day cream. It is necessary that this product matches the type of facial skin and contains a protective SPF filter that extinguishes negative ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Rules for facial skin care after 30 also involve applying a special cream to the area around the eyes. These manipulations are very important. The skin located around the eyes is distinguished by its delicate structure and small thickness.
  5. Use a nourishing night cream before bed. It must be such that it fully matches the woman’s skin type. The dense structure of such a product will supply the epidermis with the microelements necessary for its nutrition.

This is the step-by-step care of facial skin after 30 years. It is important for every woman who wants to prolong her youth.

Additional procedures

In addition to performing the daily steps of facial skin care described above after 30 years, it is important to use special masks 2-3 times a week. In addition, the skin should be cleaned using peeling. Cosmetologists strongly do not recommend purchasing a traditional scrub. The fact is that it has too rough particles that can injure the skin. Women over 30 should consider enzyme peeling. For oily and combination skin, it is carried out 2-3 times, and for dry skin, one such procedure per week will be enough.


It's also worth trying homemade recipes. A homemade mask or facial peeling will be a budget-friendly and very effective care option. And any housewife has the ingredients for such a product.

Making your own masks

Judging by the reviews, the following helps great for facial skin care after 30:

  1. Green tea and clay mask. To prepare it, take clay in the amount of a tablespoon. It should be brewed with green tea, bringing it to a paste consistency. Apply this mask for 20 minutes on a steamed face. After removing the composition with water, apply a cream with nutritional elements to the face.
  2. Green mask. It is prepared from chopped parsley, lettuce leaves or spinach. Each type of greenery is taken in a volume of 2 tbsp. spoons Pour a teaspoon of starch into the prepared mixture, mix the ingredients and apply them to the skin. After 15 minutes, wash your face with water.
  3. Cream and banana mask. This is a very effective emollient. It is prepared from one chopped ripe banana, which is enriched with a teaspoon of cream and ½ teaspoon of starch. After stirring the ingredients until smooth, apply them to areas of the face and leave for 20 minutes.

Do-it-yourself peeling

Such products are also effective in caring for facial skin after 30 years. The most popular DIY peelings are:

  1. From coffee and sour cream. Each ingredient is prepared in the amount of a tablespoon. Coffee grounds are mixed with sour cream and applied to the face, including massaging the neck for 5 minutes. Next, the product is washed off using warm water.
  2. Made from cinnamon and honey. The bee product must be liquid. It should be taken in a volume of 3 tablespoons and mixed with a tablespoon of cinnamon. You need to massage the skin with this mixture for several minutes. Next, you should wash your face.

Caring for the area around the eyes

These areas of the skin cause particular concern to women. With age, this is where dark circles appear, the upper eyelids sag, puffiness and crow's feet appear. To prevent such problems for women over 30, experts recommend using moisturizing creams. They should be applied in the first half of the day. At night, it is recommended to use products that have a lifting effect. Such preparations should lie in a thin layer on the skin. The movements of the fingers applying them should be as light as possible.

To care for the area around the eyes, you can use self-prepared masks. You can make such a remedy from a banana, which is crushed with a fork and mixed with a tablespoon of pre-melted butter. The mask is applied directly to the area around the eyes and should remain there for up to 15 minutes. You can also use cucumber. It is grated, and the resulting pulp is applied to two gauze swabs. They are applied to the eyelids. After 15 minutes, this toning mask is washed off.

Neck care

After 30, it is very important to apply creams and masks to this area. In addition, a woman should perform water procedures and massage her neck, which requires attention no less than her face. But, unfortunately, many people simply do not know about this. What are the secrets of a beautiful neck without wrinkles? Cosmetologists recommend:

  1. Raise your chin while walking. This will delay the appearance of wrinkles.
  2. Sleep on a small pillow. A large one often provokes the appearance of a double chin.
  3. Massage your neck by directing a stream of cool water onto it while taking a shower.
  4. Follow the same care steps as for your face. That is, every day a woman needs to wash the skin of her neck in the mornings and evenings, apply toner, as well as nourishing and moisturizing creams with light finger movements from top to bottom.
  5. Use skin care masks. You will need to apply them to your neck no more than 2-3 times a week.

Performing salon procedures

By turning to a professional cosmetologist for help, you can improve the condition of your skin in a short time.


The best salon procedures are:

  1. Massage. Using this method has an effect on the muscles. With its help, the blood flow of the skin is activated and its tone increases. A massage is performed using special movements that activate biochemical processes in muscle tissue and enrich them with oxygen.
  2. Chemical peeling. This procedure is designed to remove the top layer from the epidermis, which stimulates its subsequent restoration. Using this method, wrinkles, pigmentation and scars are eliminated.
  3. Microcurrent therapy. During this procedure, the skin is exposed to a small amplitude current. This allows you to eliminate wrinkles, stretch marks, age spots and other unpleasant age-related changes on your face.

We looked at how to care for facial skin after 30. It is important to remember that the main thing is regularity of procedures.

There is an opinion that after 30 years, youth ends and the skin begins to age rapidly. There is some truth in it, but, according to cosmetologists, the appearance of a woman at this age depends only on her lifestyle and attention to herself. What should be the proper skin care after 30 years? What treatments should you use at home? And what cosmetics to choose?


Aging is determined by genetic factors, which are useless to argue with. However, contrary to popular belief, active aging, caused by genes and natural factors, does not begin at thirty, or even forty years. At this age, your skin is still capable of a lot, the main thing is to know how to help it correctly.

What happens to the skin

After thirty years, metabolic processes in our body slow down. This happens at different levels, including in the skin. Multiple changes are observed in its structure.

  1. Decreased synthesis of epidermal lipids, causing the epidermis to become drier with age.
  2. Deterioration of microcirculation in tissues. The enrichment of the skin with nutrients from the inside is reduced.
  3. Photoaging. The response to sun exposure provokes the development of fine wrinkles and the formation of age spots;
  4. Thinning of fatty tissue that supports the usual shape of the face. For this reason, the skin begins to “sag”.
  5. Thickening of the epidermis. The cells of the stratum corneum are layered on top of each other, and it is impossible to exfoliate them independently. Because of this, the face takes on an earthy tint, the skin feels rough to the touch, and looks unkempt.

Despite these processes, it is still too early to talk about the approach of old age. “The skin is a hormone-dependent organ,” comments cosmetologist Olga Fem. “At the age of thirty, the body produces a sufficient amount of hormones, so it is premature to panic at the sight of the first wrinkles.”


Possible problems

Cosmetologists do not like to give absentee recommendations on skin care after thirty years. Thus, cosmetologist Natalya Nikolaeva, author of the book “Cosmetology without surgery: 10 markers of youth,” advises visiting a specialist at least 1-2 times a year.

This needs to be done because the “behavior” of the skin at this age is very individual. And only with a direct examination can a cosmetologist give recommendations on what facial care should be like after 30 years at home.

What are the subtleties of choosing techniques? There are several reasons.

  1. Usual care. Some women are accustomed to properly caring for themselves, starting in adolescence. Their skin usually looks good, and no major adjustments in care are required. Someone begins to panic when they discover the first wrinkles, and almost for the first time they include a moisturizer and an anti-aging mask in their daily care. The results of working on yourself will certainly be visible in the second case. But maintaining youthful skin regularly is much more effective and easier than trying to restore it.
  2. Skin type. In those with dry skin, the epidermis becomes even drier, which leads to the formation of fine wrinkles in the eye area. With the oily type, the activity of the sebaceous glands may not decrease. Women continue to be bothered by clogged pores, periodic breakouts, acne formation and oily shine. These problems should be solved with multifunctional cosmetics that also have an anti-aging effect.
  3. Type of aging. There are six types of aging, the most common being fine wrinkle, fatigue, deformation and mixed. The first is characteristic of dry epidermis with thin fatty tissue. The second is formed in women with normal or oily skin and normal physique. Deformation is typical for women with a dense physique and a full face. Mixed combines the features of all previous types. The choice of facial care technique should be determined by the type of aging too, in order to ensure the best results from home and salon techniques.

A combined approach to facial care, taking into account all your characteristics: skin type, type of aging, basic care, will smooth out age-related changes and delay aging.

Basic recommendations

The most important mistake of women who are discovering the first age-related changes is to include products in their facial skin care for those over 30 that are too early to use. The fact is that with a general decrease in metabolic processes, the skin is still able to regenerate, restore its structure, and produce the necessary substances.

Follow your cosmetologist's advice on basic and additional care at home.


Cleansing, toning, moisturizing

The main “pillars” on which the beauty and external attractiveness of the skin is built. You should follow this sequence, using products based on the type of your epidermis, daily, morning and evening.

  1. Oily, problem skin. Use mousse or foam with lactulose, salicylic acid, panthenol. These components dissolve skin secretions well, normalize sebum secretion, and maintain healthy microflora, which prevents the development of inflammation.
  2. Dry skin . Use cleansing milk, which should be applied to the face, massage lightly and rinse with water. Don't try to replace milk with micellar water. Most of these compositions, despite the assurances of the manufacturers, cannot be left on the skin. The substances they contain additionally dry the epidermis. Any cleanser should be washed off with water.
  3. Normal skin. Choose any cleanser that you like and suits. Pay attention to the composition. It should not contain aggressive surfactants, including sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. These substances dry out the epidermis and deplete it. Use products with soft surfactants based on coco-betaine, cocamidopropyl betaine, glycolic, and lactic acids.

For toning, choose formulations based on your skin type. Tonic completes cleansing, dissolving the remnants of skin secretions and cosmetics that the cleanser could not cope with. It may also contain panthenol, allantoin, which is important for problematic epidermis. You can also use thermal and alkaline mineral water as a tonic.

If you are satisfied with the appearance and condition of your skin, continue to use the day and night creams that you previously included in your daily care. If you observe signs of age-related changes, choose a cream with the appropriate composition.

  1. Dryness, dehydration of the epidermis, formation of a fine network of wrinkles. Include a nourishing cream with peptides in your care. Such compositions moisturize the skin well, nourish it, eliminate the feeling of tightness and flaking. Peptides are substances with a muscle relaxant effect. They relax facial muscles, causing wrinkles to disappear. You can apply a cream with peptides to the entire face for fine-wrinkled aging or locally, to areas where wrinkles form, for example, on the forehead and around the eyes. It is necessary to use such compositions for a long time - for two to three months. Take two or three courses over the course of a year.
  2. Sagging skin, formation of a network of capillaries. Characteristic of the deformation type of aging, in which the signs of gravitational ptosis appear especially clearly. Cosmetologists advise including products that strengthen the walls of blood vessels in facial skin care at the age of 30. They improve tissue circulation and have a lifting effect, tightening the contours of the face. The active components of such products are seaweed, extracts of ginkgo biloba, arnica, and horse chestnut.
  3. Oiliness, clogged pores, first wrinkles. The most difficult thing is to choose home care for combination skin after 30 years. After all, areas of wrinkles need to be moisturized and nourished, but the epidermis responds to the active use of saturated products with foci of acne and inflammation. Choose products based on vitamin A (retinol). This component stabilizes the activity of the sebaceous glands and has an anti-aging effect.

The compositions of day and night creams differ. During the day, we need protection from ultraviolet radiation and combined radicals, so the day cream should contain SPF filters and vitamin C (an active anti-age component). At night, the skin is restored. It's time to use retinol, peptides, and other components to solve aging problems.


Additional care

As before, more intensive skin care procedures at home should be carried out 1-2 times a week. They include deep cleansing, moisturizing, nutrition.

  1. Peeling. Designed to remove the superficial stratum corneum of cells, which gives the face a gray color and external unkemptness. It is performed using a scrub or peeling based on fruit acids (bromelain, papain). Apply the peeling product after cleansing with foam or milk. Massage and rinse with water. Do not use scrubs with natural abrasive particles. They scratch the epidermis and disrupt its structure. Choose products with soft polishing granules or gomages based on fruit acids. The latter are especially recommended for oily, combination and sensitive skin. They dissolve horn cells without an abrasive effect, while at the same time normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and providing a slight whitening effect.
  2. Deep hydration. Necessary for any skin type, not just dry skin. It is especially important to moisturize oily and problematic epidermis, since a lack of moisture with regular use of drying agents leads to a response - intense production of skin secretions and increased fat content. For deep hydration, use face masks after 30 years based on hyaluronic acid, urea, alginates (seaweed), amino acids, polysaccharides. Apply the product 1-2 times a week after peeling.
  3. Fighting oiliness and age spots. Women with oily skin should get acquainted with masks with AHA acids. Home care products contain up to seven percent natural acids. They dissolve the outer layer of the epidermis, destroying the accumulations of melanin that we call age spots or freckles. They also reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands and increase the regenerative functions of the skin. It is necessary to include such products in your care in autumn and winter, when the sun is not too aggressive. Use masks in courses twice a year.
  4. Deep nutrition. You can use face masks at 30 with nourishing ingredients. But serums, the composition of which should be aimed at solving a specific problem, are more effective. For example, fighting wrinkles or excessive dry skin. In masks, the volume of active components is usually 2-10%, while serum contains up to 40% of the component in an easily accessible form. Therefore, serums are more expensive than a mask or cream, but they can be applied locally to the problem area and used as a course. Apply the serum under the cream in your usual care or under the mask in an additional intensive one. The components of the covering agent serve as a conductor for the serum into the deeper layers of the skin.

In winter, the epidermis becomes drier, so intensive moisturizing can be done two to three times a week. In summer, on the contrary, fat content increases. It is recommended to use masks with AHA acids or anti-inflammatory formulations up to three times a week.


Salon treatments

Facial skin after 30 years perfectly accepts anti-aging salon treatments. The advantage of this period is that at a minimum cost you will be able to activate the body’s own reserves and not resort to expensive “heavy” procedures in the future. According to cosmetologists, the most effective procedures in salon care are those that improve tissue trophism and microcirculation in them.

  1. Massage . Manual or hardware. Without massage, anti-aging care for deformational type of aging is impossible, since it strengthens the tissues and reduces the intensity of their sagging. Massage affects the lymphatic system, blood vessels, and enriches the epidermis from the inside. With proper home care, one or two massage courses per year are enough to keep your face fresh and youthful for a long time. You can take a course of three to five procedures, and then maintain the result by visiting a cosmetologist once a month.
  2. Microcurrent therapy. A procedure in which the body is exposed to weak pulsed currents. They improve metabolic processes, rejuvenate and heal blood vessels and tissues at the cellular level. They increase the intensity of lymph outflow, which leads to the elimination of swelling, relax muscles, reducing the severity of facial wrinkles. In salon care, professional devices for microcurrent therapy are used. There are analogues intended for home use. The effectiveness of the latter is lower. They should be used only if you use professional cosmetics “under microcurrents” and are ready to wait a long time for the result. It will appear with regular use of a household microcurrent device for two to three months. In-salon procedures provide a much more pronounced and noticeable effect faster.
  3. Peeling. The difference between home peeling and salon peeling is the concentration of active acids. In skin care after 30 years, it is recommended to use superficial peels, the concentration of acids in which is up to twenty-five percent. Such compositions create a superficial tissue burn, which is manifested by external redness. After 2-3 days, surface cells peel off from the face, while the epidermis is renewed at a deep level. Peeling triggers structure rejuvenation: increased formation of collagen and elastin. It is enough to perform it 2-3 times a year to make your face look young and well-groomed.

By pumping hyaluronic acid, Botox and other rejuvenation products into the skin, you achieve a temporary positive result. But in the long term, for example, after five years, aging will manifest itself more intensely. The face becomes puffy from frequent injections, and individual facial expressions are lost.


Folk remedies

Folk remedies are often positioned as an equivalent and cheaper alternative to cosmetics. We will answer the most common questions that women over 30 ask cosmetologists.

  1. How to use facial oils after 30 years? Oils are fats in 100% concentration. The skin of the face does not need them at any age. If you use any oil instead of a one-time cream, for example, because the cream has run out and you are worried about dryness, there is no problem. Such care is acceptable. But the constant use of fatty substances, oddly enough, dries and depletes the skin. The fact is that oil creates a film on the surface that disrupts metabolic processes. The inner layers of the skin remain dehydrated, since the oil does not contain moisture. The body tries to compensate for dehydration by increasing sebum secretion. The oily secretion, accumulating in the pores under the oil, becomes denser, which leads to the formation of acne and often to its inflammation. You can add only a few drops of oil to a mask or cream to enrich its composition.
  2. What folk remedies should you include in your care? Any you like, but respecting the basic requirement. You maintain regular daily care (cleansing, toning, moisturizing). And you use compositions from any products as an additional one.
  3. What can you recommend for oily skin? In the summer, use masks made from fresh berries and sour fruits. The fruit acids they contain will help lighten the epidermis and reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Oatmeal and rice flakes have an adsorbing effect. Masks based on kefir, yogurt, clay, and honey are useful.
  4. What products are suitable for dry skin? Sour cream, cream, and full-fat milk soothe and eliminate the feeling of dryness. You can prepare formulations based on a decoction of oatmeal, mashed potatoes with patchouli oil, sandalwood, chamomile, and egg yolk.
  5. What folk remedies are better than cosmetics? The danger of this issue is the attempt to replace cosmetics with food-based products. There is nothing wrong with using such masks periodically. Do them if you like the condition of your skin after a home remedy. But you shouldn’t expect a rejuvenating effect or a solution to the problem of fatness or wrinkles.

The fact is that folk remedies combine two or three components that act only superficially. Professional cosmetics contain a complex of components in precise concentrations. Their structure allows substances to act on the surface or penetrate deep into the skin to provide an anti-aging effect.

Ready-made cosmetics from trusted brands, pharmacy cosmetic formulations and professional cosmetics developed by certified laboratories are always many times more effective than homemade masks.

After thirty years, the skin retains a high youth potential. A woman’s task is to maintain it, helping the skin with regular cleansing and moisturizing. To solve problems, include targeted formulations with peptides, AHA acids, and retinol in facial skin care after 30 years. Include serums and periodic salon treatments for additional care: massage, superficial peelings, microcurrents. Don't forget about a healthy lifestyle: smoking, alcohol, chronic lack of sleep and stress catastrophically accelerate skin aging.