Protein bar as a quality source of protein.

Good day, dear bodybuilding lovers. Today we have prepared for you a very interesting and informative article not just about proteins and their importance, but about such an interesting version of it as a protein bar. But first, let's remember what protein is.

Protein (protein) is the main component of muscle fibers. Without the proper daily protein intake, muscle growth is not only hampered, but even impossible. Therefore, consuming your daily protein intake every day is the main goal for every athlete, because our muscles constantly need fuel to ensure growth. As for this notorious daily norm, expert opinions differ. However, it is generally accepted that the average daily protein intake for a person involved in strength sports is 2 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. For heavy athletes weighing more than 100 kg, this norm increases to 3 grams. Protein is found in almost all food products, but it also exists as a sports nutrition mixture.

Protein in the form of sports nutrition is a high-protein mixture for the complete nutrition of athletes. The main task of this sports supplement is to timely supply the muscles with high-quality protein, which has an optimal set of amino acids for effective absorption. All bodybuilders have long known that there is whey, casein and multi-component protein packaged in plastic jars. But only a few know about this type of sports nutrition as a protein bar. At first glance, such a bar resembles a regular chocolate bar, but in terms of content it is much more useful. Just think about it: one such bar weighing 40 grams contains about 15 grams of protein, 14 grams of healthy carbohydrates, as well as vitamins B, C and lecithin, in addition, it contains almost no fat. Similar bars are produced by many sports nutrition manufacturers in different flavor variations.

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