Exercise machine horizontal bar press bars

The device was originally intended to develop the lower abdominal muscles, as well as the anterior oblique and intercostal muscles. But later this machine underwent all sorts of modifications and improvements. Exercise machines of this type have all sorts of hanging options for mounting on a wall or wall bars, or are fixed in a stationary position to the floor using appropriate fastening material or their own weight.

Currently, there are a large number of modifications of this device on the market of sports equipment and fitness accessories:

  1. Rack press exercise machine,
  2. Wall-mounted parallel bars exercise machine,
  3. Rack exercise machine horizontal bar press bars,
  4. Wall-mounted exercise bar horizontal bars press,
  5. And many others…

It is obvious to the naked eye that the largest package of functionality is provided by the modification: a rack-mounted or wall-mounted exercise machine, horizontal bar, parallel bars, press.

Design diagram of one of the modifications of this complex:

Consists of a base (1), a convex back (2), armrests (3), two handles (4).

The convex back allows you to increase the range of movement of the legs, which, unlike a similar exercise on a gymnastic wall, protects the lumbar spine from possible injury.

Almost any factory horizontal bar can be bought in Moscow, Minsk, Kyiv, and, probably, even the most run-down town in our post-Soviet space - now this is not a problem at all. But for those “Kulibins” and “Samodelkins” who like to do “handicrafts”, there are ready-made solutions for making them yourself at home. You can find a visual diagram and detailed instructions in this article of ours. After all, what is made with your own hands is always expensive and pleases the soul. Triple your muscle growth!

Well, in conclusion, we would like to recommend you one online store: horizontal bars for every color and taste. A worthy choice for both beginners and experienced Olympic-level athletes.

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