A painful awakening. What helps you cheer up on a winter morning?

Winter mornings are the most painful awakenings. The alarm clock rings and goes off, but you can’t open your eyes - you want to sleep so bad. Who doesn't know this feeling?! But you still need to get up!

In order to avoid the pain of waking up in the morning, you need to lead the right lifestyle:

  1. Go to bed no later than 23:00 (especially in winter!)
  2. Get up no later than 7:00 (even on weekends you shouldn’t get up late, no later than 9:00).
  3. Follow a 4-course diet and eat fortified foods.
  4. Do not triple your “overload”, observe the alternation of work and rest.
  5. Play sports, dance, or at least do daily gymnastics.
  6. Temper yourself.

To make waking up in the morning easier, you can use several simple but effective techniques:

  1. Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than usual and use this time for “self-care”: enjoy the new day, remember your loved ones, plan your day.

  2. Do some physical exercises without getting out of bed: stretch, yawn, stretch your joints and muscles.

  3. Drink a glass of clean water, take a contrast shower.

  4. Smile at yourself in the mirror and maintain that feeling of smiling throughout the day.

Of course, such painful awakenings will not go away instantly. But if you regularly adhere to the correct regime and morning rituals of “self-care”, the body will gradually rebuild itself, and getting up in the morning will become easier. The main thing is to be consistent and not expect immediate results. Then very soon the problem of difficult awakenings will be a thing of the past.