We effectively pump the abs - hands behind the head, crosswise on the shoulders or along the body.

The most effective exercises for the upper abdominal and oblique muscle areas are various variations of cyclic sit-ups. These can be sit-ups and crunches, from a position hanging head down on a bar or wall bars; in a strictly horizontal position or at all sorts of angles, on a regular bench, or on a “Roman chair” or in a press with an adjustable tilt angle up to vertical...

As you can see, there are simply insanely many options for execution. But here’s the question: how to complicate the implementation of body lifts, if they are already quite easy? For these purposes, the following hand positions are available in the fitness and bodybuilding arsenal:

  1. along the body. We perform sit-ups and twists, relatively speaking, keeping our hands at our sides - this is the initial and simplest method of execution, which you should start with and subsequently successfully master.

  2. crosswise on the shoulders. If the load when performing the above exercises seems insufficient to you, you can complicate the task for yourself by using the following hand position: Grab your right shoulder with your left palm. Accordingly, with the right palm behind the left. If everything was done correctly, you will have a cross from your hands on your chest, something like a British flag. Now try doing sit-ups and crunches. Do you feel the difference? The exercise will be much more difficult.
  3. hands behind head. The most difficult of the possible options. This is what athletes at the advanced level use. Starting position: hands on the back of the head. Behind your head, clasp your palms with your fingers, and in this position, perform body lifts. I think you will immediately feel the difference! The difficulty compared to the first option is many times greater and is very noticeable and obvious!

It would also not be superfluous to add that the proposed options for the initial positions of the hands are used not only when working on the abdominal muscles, but also for other muscle groups. For example, backs. The long back muscles are perfectly pumped with the “hyperextension” exercise, by doing which you can also use the suggested hand position options. Try it! This is very effective.

  1. rod disc,
  2. light dumbbells for fitness,
  3. heavy dumbbells,
  4. weights,
  5. special weighted headgear,
  6. wrist bracelets,
  7. and other weighting options.
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