Fitness during menstruation: pros and cons

Many women wonder whether it is possible to exercise during their period. Some people think it's impossible, while others continue to train unchanged. In this article we will look at how safe physical activity is during menstruation and what restrictions should be taken into account.

The determining factor in the question of whether or not to engage in sports during menstruation is the woman’s well-being. If you're not feeling well, it's probably best to postpone your workout until another day. On the other hand, if you feel normal, then you can play sports, but with some restrictions.

When is it better to postpone training?

The presence of chronic gynecological diseases may be a reason to think about canceling training during menstruation. In this case, it is important to consult your gynecologist to find out what restrictions you need to consider during menstruation. Perhaps in your case, sports during menstruation will have to be excluded altogether.

Obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Petrovna Berezovskaya also advises to refrain from training during menstruation. According to her, during exercise, intra-abdominal pressure increases, which can lead to disruption of endometrial detachment during menstruation. In addition, during this period, your immune system is reduced by almost 50%, which means that unnecessary stress on the body is not desirable.

When can you exercise?

If during your period you do not experience discomfort, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, and you do not have chronic diseases or contraindications, then you can continue to exercise. However, you should reduce the intensity of your training, such as reducing the duration of the workout or the number of repetitions.

How to relieve muscle pain after exercise

If you feel slightly weak, the best option is to change the type of training. For example, try yoga, stretching or Pilates. These exercises will help relax your muscles and reduce pain.

Useful exercises

Moderate exercise can even improve your well-being during your period. So, you can reduce pain during menstruation with simple stretching exercises; lifting your legs on the wall and light exercises to develop the muscles of the upper abs will also help. The amount of discharge may increase significantly, but your periods will become less painful. One of the beneficial exercises during your period is aerobic exercise, such as running, walking, cycling or swimming. They improve blood circulation and help cope with digestive problems and mood disorders that can accompany menstruation.

It is also recommended to do strength exercises, but with reduced intensity and volume. For example, instead of heavy machine sets, you can use light dumbbells or resistance bands for strength exercises.

It is important to remember hygiene measures when playing sports during your period. It is necessary to use personal hygiene products, such as tampons or pads, and change them regularly. You should also choose sportswear made from breathable materials to avoid skin irritation.


Determining whether it is possible to exercise during menstruation should be based on the individual characteristics of the body. If there are no contraindications and the woman feels well, then moderate exercise can be beneficial. However, it is worth reducing the intensity of training and taking hygiene measures into account. If you have chronic gynecological diseases or feel unwell, then it is better to postpone training until the end of your period.