How to lose weight: tips from Britney Spears

Pop princess Britney Spears told how she got back into shape.

Fans of the singer accused Spears of “fraud” after the launch of her new concert program Piece of Me. Britney's fans did not believe that the singer had lost weight and decided that the muscles on her body were the result of the work of skilled make-up artists. However, Britney, together with her trainers, denied all rumors and speculation.

The singer said that she does cardio training three times a week. In addition, twice every seven days, Spears devotes an hour and a half to yoga classes. Her teacher said that the most effective asanas for the singer are “boat”, “crescent” and “warrior warrior II pose”. Britney's fitness trainer, Tony Moralez, in turn, said that he is adding exercises for professional athletes to the training program. Tony is proud of his ward, and believes that she trains like a real athlete.

It is not surprising that with such a schedule, taking into account her concert preparations, the singer quickly regained her shape. It is noteworthy that Britney really loves to exercise, and often chooses to exercise outdoors.