Beginners and sports nutrition.

Most newcomers to the sport simply want to build muscle and work on the beauty of their body. From the very first training, each of these young people thinks about the need to use supplements.

Sports nutrition for the most part consists of proteins, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and other synthetic substances that have a beneficial effect on the growth of muscle mass and the dynamics of increasing endurance. Among other things, such substances provide additional support to the body and stimulate it.

Don’t believe the advertisements, and swallow protein and creatine from the first approach to the barbell. The first step is to take care of the correct diet and load distribution. To begin with, you should get positive progress from natural activities, and only then reinforce yourself, as well as provide the mass in the amount you dream of. In weightlifting with iron, there are no lightning-fast results. And there’s no need to rush at all, because sports nutrition is a responsible drug that should be consumed rationally and with breaks.

First lesson.

Beginner, remember that when you come to your first class in your life, you have no idea what power and potential is hidden in your muscle cells. Don't underestimate yourself. During the first month of classes (with or without a trainer), take a closer look at yourself, feel your body, nervous system, hear your heart rhythm and breathing rate. Check what you are capable of, and after the first month of work you will understand whether you can (and whether you should at all) use protein, protein, creatine, glutamine, gainer or fat burners as stimulants.

Experience comes first.

Sports supplements are the optimal solution and additional resource for experienced athletes who know their body. You should not be sure that you have already experienced everything in the world. You shouldn't start taking supplements if you have no idea about a healthy diet. Thus, sports nutrition cannot be combined with pizza, beer, chips, nuts and cakes. The main thing is to nourish your body on time with all useful substances: proteins (from meat, eggs, fish), vitamins and microelements (vegetables and fruits), carbohydrates (milk, cottage cheese), fats, antioxidants.

In addition to the basics of healthy eating, it is also worth mastering the technique of working with metal, revitalizing your muscles, learning to train hard and regularly, feeling the tone of your body. Post Views: 55