Basics of kettlebell lifting. Formation of clubs and sections of kettlebell lifters

You can engage in kettlebell lifting independently or in a sports section under the guidance of a specialist. In both cases, before starting training, you must obtain a doctor's permission.

Before diving headlong into the basics of kettlebell lifting, let’s first talk about how the organization and recruitment of educational and sports groups of this sport occurs...

Sports section of kettlebell lifting. Fundamentals of its organization.

A kettlebell lifting section can be created:

  1. in physical culture groups,
  2. in sports clubs of industrial and educational institutions,
  3. as well as in military units and other units.

The section accepts males who have reached the age of 15, who have undergone a thorough medical examination and, ultimately, have a mandatory doctor’s clearance to practice.

Study groups are created to conduct educational and training sessions. The number of groups is determined by the total number of participants, as well as the availability of the appropriate material and technical base for organizing full-fledged training.

Groups are formed taking into account the age, physical fitness and skill of those involved. You should not combine young men and adults, beginners and dischargers, into one group, since they require different methods and content of classes.

If you have the necessary equipment and appropriate premises, there should be no more than 10-15 beginners per coach in the group. In some cases, training in the same group of experienced athletes with different levels of preparedness is allowed; in this case, the group consists of 6-10 people.

Classes in kettlebell sections must be conducted with a frequency of at least three workouts per week throughout the year (with the exception of specialized terrain training programs); the number of hours allocated to one training session depends on the qualifications of the participants.

Kettlebell lifting, unlike other strength sports (such as bodybuilding, bodybuilding, powerlifting) does not require complex and expensive equipment. The most suitable place for training is a special room with the necessary equipment or a standard weightlifting room.

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