What is better to take a bath with?

Do you like to soak in the bath? Make your favorite procedure even more beneficial - start adding herbal infusions and various food products to the water. We take into account your health status, body characteristics and goals: each has its own supplement. Let's study the assortment - and you can get started!


Number one on the list is Cleopatra's royal recipe. They say she loved to take milk baths. You've probably heard rumors about the divine beauty of her skin. For the procedure, you can use either fresh milk - from a couple of glasses to a liter, or dry milk - pour boiling water over a few spoons and pour into the bath. The result is softening and rejuvenation of the skin.

Herb tea

The effects of herbal baths are truly impressive! Cleansing, weight loss, skin regeneration and irritation relief, muscle relaxation - all that remains is to choose the right herbal mixture. Calendula and chamomile have a healing effect, mint invigorates, and pine needles soothe. Linden, St. John's wort and rose hips improve metabolism and promote weight loss. How to prepare a miraculous decoction? Pour 100 grams of dry herb with two liters of cold water, bring to a boil and leave for an hour.

Sea salt

We could talk about how easy it is to lose weight and get rid of cellulite with the help of sea salt, but we would clearly underestimate it. Sea salt crystals have been used as a medicine since ancient times: they have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole. To one degree or another, salt affects the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, strengthens bones and calms. Hard day, fatigue, apathy? Take a bath with sea salt. The more natural it is, the better: flavored and “multi-colored” ones should be treated with doubt.


Essential oils are another medicine for all occasions. When taking baths, you can use ready-made compositions or come up with new combinations yourself. So, lavender, chamomile, lemon balm and geranium will help you relax. When you need to cheer up, use grapefruit, sandalwood and citrus fruits. We get rid of cellulite with the help of juniper and orange, and if you have a cold, mint, cypress, eucalyptus and other “Christmas tree” scents will help out. Ylang-ylang, jasmine, vanilla and bergamot set an intimate mood.

Soda baths are indicated for skin diseases - they cope with both common allergic reactions and eczema. You need to take such a bath while sitting, and the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Modern girls indulge in soda baths in order to lose weight, and this is quite justified: the kilograms really fall off. For a one-time dose, two hundred grams of soda is enough. After sitting in soda water, we go to bed: it’s good if you spend an hour under the covers and sweat. Caution: soda baths are contraindicated for people with high blood pressure, chronic diseases and diabetics.

Honey has healing properties, but before using it, you should always consult a doctor. If you have been given the green light, don’t lose the chance to become healthier and more beautiful! The skin after honey baths is soft and silky. Honey also stimulates metabolic processes and tones, promotes good mood and calm. If you pamper yourself with a honey procedure before going to bed, you will sleep well and regain your strength. Any use of honey is commendable: you can dilute a couple of spoons of honey in water or mix it with milk, sea salt and other “goodies”.


Finally, let's talk about chocolate baths - joy and pleasure for any woman. First of all, the aroma of chocolate improves mood by promoting the production of the joy hormone - endorphin. For miraculous procedures, we need regular cocoa powder. Cocoa beans are rich in vitamins and microelements, so while enjoying the sweet sensations, you risk tightening your skin and getting rid of a couple of extra centimeters. Moreover, such baths promote rejuvenation and removal of toxins. You need to love chocolate in any form!

What do you take a bath with? Try to diversify water procedures and feel their miraculous effect.

A bath is one of the few spa treatments that you can do at home. True, this pleasure must be received correctly. Let's share life hacks.

Why do you need to take a bath?

First of all, it's nice. To relieve stress and relax, there is hardly a better remedy than a bath with warm water and fluffy foam. If a shower is more of a hygienic water procedure, then a bath is a whole ritual in which soap and a washcloth play far from the main roles. The surroundings are much more important - yes, those same burning candles on the side of the bathtub, transparent bottles with aromatic oils and even the now commonplace, but still beloved scatterings of rose petals.

Bath – spa ritual at home © iStock

Do you already want to take a bath? Then read and remember 5 rules that will help you get both pleasure and benefit from your home spa event.

1. Cleanliness

The bath in which you intend to immerse yourself for ablution and relaxation must be clean. Before you turn on the faucet to fill the bathtub with water, remove all traces of soap, shampoo and (especially) oils. This is correct from both hygienic and aesthetic points of view.

2. Temperature

The water should not be too hot (this puts a strain on the heart) nor too cold - if you are cold, you will not be able to relax. Before diving, check the temperature with your toes and if they feel uncomfortable, adjust.

3. Time

Even if you really enjoy soaking in the bath, doing it for more than 20 minutes is not recommended. At least up to the neck. Warm water should not reach the level of your heart if you stay in it for more than 20 minutes.

4. Special effects

Essential oils and foaming aromatic products with a relaxing or, conversely, tonic effect will help increase the degree of pleasure from taking a bath. Add a few drops of your favorite essential oil, such as lavender or bergamot, to your bath. Or use a scented cleanser such as:

Shower and bath gel “Grapefruit” Bath and Shower Liquid Body Cleanser, Kiehl’s, which foams, cleanses the skin, and smells great.

If you have sensitive or dry skin, use a softer, creamier product instead of gel.

For example, cleansing shower milk Lait de Douche, Biotherm. Despite the name, it is great for taking a bath too. The gentle, oil-based, soap-free formula prevents skin from feeling tight. The citrus aroma of orange and grapefruit improves your mood.

The skin of the body, like the skin of the face, needs exfoliation, so you can include a body scrub in your home spa program.

Nourishing body scrub “Precious Beauty Scrub”, Garnier will allow you to combine business (bath) with business (exfoliation). A product based on cupuaçu tree seeds and 4 nourishing oils will soften and smooth the skin, giving it radiance.

5. Immediately after

At the end of the ritual, you need to rinse off in the shower, especially if you used foam gels, bath bombs or aromatic salts - there should be no trace of these products left on the skin.

Here are a couple of examples of suitable tools:
