Physical exercises for older people

Physical exercises for those who are advanced in age vary depending on the condition of their body, what kind of ailment they are accustomed to and what their habit of physical exercise is.

If their body is extremely balanced, then moderate forms of exercise are suitable for them. Then, if any of their organs is not in its best condition, then the exercise for this organ must be subordinated to the physical exercises for other organs. For example, if someone is subject to dizziness or epilepsy, or there is a rush of bad juices to the neck and all this is mostly accompanied by a rise of steam in the head and brain, then these types of physical exercises in which the head drops down are not suitable for them. They need to be encouraged to do gymnastics by walking, running and riding, as well as any other exercises that involve the lower half of the body.

If there is an injury in the leg area, then physical exercises for the upper body should be done, such as mutual lifting, throwing stones and lifting a stone. In the case where there is damage in the middle part of the body, such as in the spleen, liver, stomach and intestines, then physical exercises intended for the limbs can be performed, if there is no obstacle to this.

As for those who have damage in the chest area, they are not suitable for other types of exercise other than those intended for the lower part of the body. If the damage is in the kidneys and bladder, then physical exercises are only suitable for the upper body. You should also not increase physical exercise for these organs in order to strengthen them.

What has been said applies to those who are advanced in age, and not to people of other ages, that is, middle-aged people, for whom most of what is suitable for old people usually suits. They should strengthen weak organs by gradually increasing the type of physical exercise that is appropriate and suitable for the organ.

As for diseased organs, in some cases they are exercised, but in other cases this is not allowed, namely when this organ has a hot or dry nature, or if there is bad juice in it, about which one can be afraid that it will tend towards decay, and in which there is no maturity.