Exclusive diets of world stars: what’s stopping you?

Stars are women just like you and me, who are no strangers to problems associated with extra pounds. Of course, they often turn to the services of plastic surgeons and regularly visit massage parlors and gyms, but there is another little secret of Hollywood divas. These are diets developed not by street charlatans, but by competent nutritionists. In this article we present to your attention the diets of the most spectacular movie and pop stars.

Sophia Loren
The legendary film star Sophia Loren prefers to lose extra pounds and enrich her body with vitamin C by going on a grapefruit diet for several days. Before each meal, she eats half of one grapefruit. The main rule of the diet is that the energy value of one meal should not exceed 800 calories. However, this diet has one drawback - you cannot sit on it for a long time, as this can lead to dehydration and stomach pain.

Julia Roberts
Julia Roberts' diet is called the "face lift diet". It is suitable for women who want to tighten their facial skin. The main component of this diet is salmon. The author of the diet, Dr. Perricone, claims that salmon helps improve skin elasticity and also fights wrinkles. If you do not eat sugar and fat during your diet, this will lead to significant weight loss.

Jennifer Lopez
Jennifer Lopez has been on a diet for 1 week. During this time, she completely excludes sugar and salt in their pure form from her diet. Thus, the body gets rid of excess fluid. For breakfast, Popdiva eats only 1 orange and drinks a glass of water and a cup of cocoa. After 15 minutes, you can eat 1 more fruit of any kind. Lunch is limited to 200 g of cottage cheese + the same amount of fruit. For lunch, Jennifer allows herself some dried fruit. Dinner consists of 200 g of poultry or fish and 300 g of vegetables. Before going to bed, drink 1 glass of low-fat yogurt.

Angelina Jolie
Foreign film star Angelina Jolie is a big fan of Dr. Atkinson's diet. The key is to consume as few carbohydrates as possible. But you can eat as much protein as you like. The diet involves four stages. On the first one, you need to limit the consumption of forbidden foods (bread, sugar, etc.). Weight loss is happening at a rapid pace. At the second stage, prohibited foods are gradually introduced into the menu, but weight loss continues. At the third stage, even more previously prohibited foods are included in the menu, and at the fourth stage you can eat everything.

Nicole Kidman
Nicole Kidman is used to losing extra pounds by cleansing the body of accumulated waste and toxins. To do this, she refuses food for 3 days. During this time, Nicole drinks only water, fruit and vegetable juices, and herbal infusions in unlimited quantities. This diet should be followed only a few times a year. It will help you improve your well-being and rejuvenate your body, provided that you follow a healthy diet, that is, give up coffee, black tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks, sugar and frozen foods.

The golden rule is to follow moderation, do not get carried away and prolong these diets. Consult a specialist before starting any diet. Health is more important than appearance!