
Insufficient muscle activity, decreased strength of muscle contraction. Physical inactivity is usually combined with a general decrease in human motor activity - hypokinesia, which is a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle, widespread use of transport for movement, automation and mechanization of production processes: under these conditions, the load on the muscles is reduced.

At school age, physical inactivity is often associated with the child’s irrational daily routine, overloading him with homework, which leaves little time for walks, games, sports, and activities. Forced physical inactivity in some cases is associated with human illness and the need to maintain strict bed rest, for example, in the acute period of myocardial infarction, with injuries to the lower extremities, spine, etc. During long space flights there is a danger of physical inactivity, because in conditions of weightlessness, the load on skeletal muscles is reduced.

With a decrease in physical activity, energy consumption first decreases, followed by a decrease in blood supply to tissues, oxygen delivery to them deteriorates, blood flow in the capillaries slows down, oxygen starvation (hypoxia) occurs in the brain, heart and many other organs, and their nutrition suffers. The structure of the fibers of the heart muscle changes, the state of the body’s regulatory systems, in particular the hormonal and nervous ones, is disrupted.

With physical inactivity, the signaling coming from the muscles to the central nervous system is reduced, and this adversely affects the state of the brain, because muscle activity plays a primary role in maintaining the tone of the central nervous system, regulating blood circulation and metabolism.

Under the influence of a sharp decrease in motor activity, muscle atrophy occurs (their volume and force of contraction decrease), and the structure of the bones changes. Due to muscle atrophy, the amount of adipose tissue increases, metabolic processes are disrupted, the state of the central nervous system changes, the so-called asthenia syndrome appears, which is expressed by rapid fatigue, emotional instability, in some cases this is accompanied by touchiness and a tendency to conflict.

The condition of the cardiovascular system is significantly disturbed, the strength of myocardial contractions decreases, and the condition of blood vessels worsens; this leads to the occurrence of atherosclerosis and hypertension. Functional changes in the cardiovascular system are most early detected in the form of shortness of breath and a sharp increase in heart rate during fast walking, pain in the heart area during physical work, negative emotions, etc.

With hypokinesia, venous circulation changes significantly; there is a predisposition to hemorrhoids. Clinical observations indicate that atherosclerosis, damage to the heart vessels and hypertension occur much more often and at an earlier age in people whose professional activities are associated with low physical activity.

Physical inactivity is especially dangerous in early childhood and school age. It sharply delays the formation of the body, negatively affects the development of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, endocrine and other body systems. Resistance to pathogens of infectious diseases is significantly reduced: children often get sick, diseases can become chronic.

Physical activity plays a very important role in the development of a child’s motor skills, the formation of neural connections between the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system and internal organs. Physical activity has a powerful effect on the development of muscles and skeleton, on the child’s posture, improves the regulation of metabolic processes, blood circulation and respiration, and has a primary influence on the development of the cardiovascular system.

Low mobility of schoolchildren and prolonged stay in a monotonous position at a desk at school and at a table at home cause poor posture, slouching

Hypokinesia is a lack of physical activity. Canadian scientists have found that even running, when used regularly, causes muscle atrophy, a decrease in muscle strength and even an increase in fat tissue. Hypokinesia leads to a number of serious consequences. The liver increases in size, the muscles become smaller.