Secrets of fashion models: learn to walk beautifully

Walking is an important part of our lives and we often don't think about how we walk. However, if you want to impress others with your confident and elegant gait, then you should pay attention to a few tips from professional fashion models.

The first thing to remember when you walk is to keep your body straight. Your posture should be straight, without rounding or slouching. It is also necessary to ensure that your shoulders do not droop and your head does not sway from side to side.

To keep your hips motionless while walking, you can try a special exercise. Stand up straight, holding a stick behind your back at hip level with both hands. Walk around with the stick for a few minutes. The stick prevents the movement of the hips when walking, and also helps to retract the abdomen and straighten the shoulders.

It is also very important to watch your gait, especially if you want to become a real professional fashion model. At home, draw a straight line along the floor or stretch a tape and attach it to the floor with thumbtacks. Walk along this line several times, observing your gait in the mirror, lean your back against the wall opposite the mirror. The head, shoulders and heels should touch the wall, do not bend your knees, pull in your stomach. Put a cassette with a recording of some waltz into the tape recorder. Walking in the rhythm of a waltz will make your gait graceful regardless of your will.

Another secret of fashion models is that they learn to walk in high heels. Your big toes should curl at the last part of each step, giving you a push. The ideal step consists of five stages: the first stage - the right leg moves forward, the toe is extended, the body weight rests on the left leg; second stage - lightly place the heel of your right foot on the line drawn on the floor, the toe slightly pointed to the side; third stage - as soon as your heel touches the floor, transfer your body weight from your left leg to your right leg; fourth stage - immediately after this, the forward movement of the left leg begins, it is performed in exactly the same way as the movement of the right leg; fifth stage - easily place the heel of your left foot on the line. Your arms are beautifully bent and sway slightly as you walk: your right arm moves in sync with your left leg, and your left arm with your right leg.

If you notice any imperfections in your gait, such as moving your hips or shoulders or shaking your head, repeat the exercises until they disappear completely.

At fashion modeling school, the student's legs are lightly tied at a height of 15 cm from the knees. This exercise has a dual effect: the student is forced to take small steps and her torso leans back slightly to maintain balance. You can also try this exercise to improve your gait.

In general, to learn how to walk beautifully, you need to monitor your posture, maintain a straight posture and control the movement of your arms and legs. You can do exercises to improve your gait and also practice walking in high heels. By following these tips, you can achieve an elegant and confident gait that will attract the attention of others.