Balinese massage: history of origin and technique of execution

Balinese massage begins its history on the island of Bali. In Russia, this unique relaxation technique is not so well known, although throughout the world this type of massage is no less popular than Chinese or Thai. One massage procedure includes various methods: some from acupressure, some from aromatherapy, some from reflexology.

The massage has a characteristic relaxing and calming effect, which is achieved through touching the inner parts of the palms and elbows, as well as through acupuncture methods. There is an improvement in blood circulation. Due to the flow of blood to the internal organs, massage has a healing effect, saturating the body with oxygen.

One of the important components of the procedure are aromatic oils. The most popular and frequently used is coconut oil, which is infused with local flowers and spices for some time. The oil has a beneficial effect on the skin, providing an aromatherapy effect. If you want to restore the harmony of soul and body, relieve muscle and internal tension, a Balinese massage procedure will help you.

Balinese massage

During the massage, the master uses a variety of oils and ointments

History of origin

The origins date back to the 700s AD when hand healing was mentioned in Indonesian scriptures.

The first who managed to experience the miraculous effects of the hands of healers were members of the royal family. The healing effects of the hands were nothing more than a massage, which was carried out to the soothing sounds of music and prayers. During the procedure, the air was saturated with the aromatic smells of incense.

In the 4th century, the royal family partially moved to Bali. At the same time, Islam arrived in Indonesia. The royal family became the original source and brought with them miraculous healing rituals with their hands. Over time, masters of Indonesian medicine, in addition to healing with their hands, began to use methods of Balinese beauty rituals.

One of the main Balinese beauty rituals is body wrapping, or lulur. This ritual prepares the girl for her first wedding night, and therefore for the ritual of fulfilling desires and bringing harmony to the family hearth. Much time has passed since then, but Bali is still famous for its unique massage, which gives health, harmony and love.

Ancient Indian healing system

Ancient Indian healing system

Execution Features

The Balinese massage technique combines classical massage, acupressure, and aromatherapy with natural oils. In some ways, this type of massage has echoes of Ayurvedic massage based on the unique herbal remedies of the island of Bali.

Equally important is the flow of energy in the human body, or the “yin-yang” philosophy. It is this combination that represents the main secret of Balinese massage.

The massage begins from the periphery, i.e. from the limbs. Next, the movements are directed towards the body and back again. This is where the pattern of energy movement and the principles of vascular activation lie. The general direction of arm movements is from the legs to the head.

The massage procedure includes a large number of techniques:

  1. stroking;
  2. stretching;
  3. pressing;
  4. pat;
  5. pressing with fingers and palms.

As a rule, massage is performed with the thumbs and palms. By massaging the body's energy meridians, blocked energy is released, which relieves overall tension. First, the massage therapist performs soft massage techniques along the energy meridians. Only then are deeper and more energetic techniques applied throughout the body.

What results can we observe:

  1. relieving muscle tension;
  2. improvement of damaged tissues;
  3. eliminating stress;
  4. treatment of sports injuries;
  5. migraine treatment;
  6. help with sleep disorders.

Indonesian massage has a large number of varieties that use medicines. Medicines are mainly obtained from essential oil plants, as well as algae and minerals. I would like to note that many techniques are unique in their execution and are based on ancient recipes created at one time for royalty.

In general, this type of massage uses a variety of balms and oils, which are selected individually for each patient. They contain a variety of ingredients: milk, honey, various tree roots, flower extracts, algae.

The obligatory final stage of the massage is the elixir of youth - a herbal drink of complex plant composition. The secret of this herbal drink is passed on by word of mouth among Balinese massage professionals.

Execution technique

The massage begins with light techniques, gradually increasing strength.

Massage technique

The technique of this massage is one of the forms of massage aimed at deep muscle development. It cannot be called delicate, because its effect can be felt deep in the muscles. Of course, in a spa massage is performed more gently and is more aimed at relaxation.

The massage therapist performs movements according to a special pattern, moving from the limbs, gradually moving to the body and returning back.

The basic rule of massage is that movements should be made from the feet to the head.

It is worth mentioning the force of impact, it is applied in an increasing manner: first, softer and weaker movements are performed, which smoothly transition to more intense and strong ones. Particular attention is paid to the symmetry of techniques - any movement must be repeated symmetrically. As a rule, the massage is performed by one master.


  1. acute febrile conditions and high temperature;
  2. blood diseases;
  3. purulent processes;
  4. skin and hair diseases;
  5. allergic diseases with skin rashes;
  6. phlebeurysm;
  7. malignant and benign tumors;
  8. mental disorders;
  9. gastrointestinal disorders;
  10. heart failure;
  11. pregnancy.

In any case, before attending a massage session, you should consult a doctor. The duration of one procedure can be from 1.5 to 2.5 hours. Today, this type of massage is available in many cities. Therefore, do not put this off, but go right now for new sensations.

There are many ways to maintain the beauty and health of your body. Massage is one of the most pleasant and useful procedures, with the help of which a person can look young, beautiful and attractive for a long time.