Common Pumpkin.

Common Pumpkin: description, cultivation and application

Common pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) is an annual herbaceous plant of the pumpkin family. It has a creeping stem up to 8 m long and many tendrils. The pumpkin root is branched, and the leaves are large, five-lobed or whole.

Pumpkin blooms in June-August. The flowers are yellow, large and unisexual. The fruit is a large multi-seeded pumpkin, varied in color (from green to yellow) and shape (from spherical to elongated) weighing up to 20 kg. The fruit pulp is soft, fibrous and often orange.

Common pumpkin is grown everywhere in Russia. It is not found in the wild. The plant prefers loamy and sandy loam-chernozem soils. Pumpkin is propagated by seeds, which, to obtain seedlings, are sown in March-April, 2-3 pieces in peat, plastic or paper molds with peat and peat compost to a depth of 2 cm. After 5-6 weeks, the seedlings will have two or three true leaves, after why it is planted in the ground.

Common pumpkin is widely used in cooking. It can be boiled, fried, stuffed, prepared into soups, compotes and salads, baked into pies, or pickled as a cucumber substitute. Fresh pumpkin can be stored all winter in well-ventilated areas, protected from frost.

Pumpkin pulp contains a large amount of fiber and various plant sugars, calcium salts, potassium, magnesium and iron, as well as microelements - copper, cobalt, vitamins C, Bi, B2, B5, E and A. Pumpkin preparations have an anthelmintic effect, improve gastrointestinal function -intestinal tract, normalize bile secretion, increase water and salt metabolism in the body, and normalize sleep.

Pumpkin seeds also have medicinal properties and are used in medicine. The seeds are collected in September-October and dried for 5-6 days under a canopy or in the attic, scattered in a thin layer on paper or wire racks, stirring occasionally. You cannot dry them in an oven at high temperatures, as they lose their medicinal properties. Store seeds in cloth bags or bags in a dry and ventilated place for up to 2 years.

Pumpkin seeds are used medicinally to treat various diseases. They are rich in fatty acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Among the beneficial properties of pumpkin seeds, one can note their ability to improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, reduce blood cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation and reduce pain in arthritis.

Common pumpkin also has cosmetic properties. Its pulp and seeds are widely used in cosmetology to improve the condition of skin and hair. Pumpkin seed oil has a moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating effect, and also promotes hair growth and strengthens its structure.

In general, pumpkin is a useful and versatile product that can be used both in food and in cosmetology and medicine. It is easy to grow and available in most regions, so it can be a great addition to your diet and skin and hair care routine.