Diet for thrush

Yeasts of the genus Candida live in the body of each of us. And they don’t interfere at all until their number begins to grow rapidly. Which leads to the appearance of thrush. Candidiasis occurs 10 times more often in women than in men.

The disease can be triggered by periodontal disease, chronic tonsillitis and even poor nutrition. The manifestation of excessive activity of fungi of the genus Candida leads to a decrease in immunity. Scientists have proven that candidiasis is not transmitted sexually. It happens that even newborn girls suffer from this disease.

The main rule in the fight against thrush is not to self-medicate. Antifungal drugs should be selected by a doctor. And in order for them to work better, while taking medications, adhere to a special diet: give up foods rich in carbohydrates - exclude pasta and cereal dishes from the menu, eat as little bread as possible. A special taboo is placed on products prepared using yeast (beer, kvass, champagne, baked goods, pastries and cakes). To relieve the liver, it is recommended to avoid fatty pork, broths, smoked meats, duck and goose meat, and fried foods.

In the diet you can leave veal, beef, chicken and boiled fish. Fermented milk products, including low-fat cottage cheese and sour cream, will help in the fight against the disease. Vegetable dishes made from carrots, cabbage, pumpkin and zucchini can be considered simply ideal for an “anti-fungal” diet. Also don't forget about legumes: beans and green peas.

Author: Maria Lukina