Comparison of the effectiveness of morning and evening workouts

Man is a unique organism with a similar biological rhythm. That is why sports centers employ trainers who create a training and nutrition program for their clients. There are also generally accepted fitness theories and ways to solve problems. They contain information about time and its impact on the result of the training. Let's consider the generally accepted popular opinions.

Everyone who signs up for a fitness center is pursuing their own goal. Some people want to lose weight, others want to “accelerate” their metabolism, others want to bring activity into their lives, others want to pump up, etc. Accordingly, they try to choose the optimal type of load and time for exercise in the gym. When should you train to achieve your dream body? Does the time of day matter and affect the results? Each specialist will answer in his own way, and everyone may be right. It is impossible not to take into account the unique characteristics of the body. Every novice athlete or lover of an active lifestyle must find the answer for himself by assessing the results of morning and evening workouts.

  1. Who should choose morning classes?
  2. Secrets of evening training
  3. When you need muscles...

Who should choose morning classes?

After waking up, many of us rush to work or laze in bed. A few feel cheerful and go for a run or to the gym. However, according to the following theory, those who want to get rid of excess weight should fall in love with morning activity. Many experts say that cardio training is more effective in the first half of the day. Why? Fat burning after an overnight fast is several times stronger than at the end of the day. Accordingly, if you exercise regularly, a person begins to noticeably lose weight. However, this theory only works with proper nutrition. What is salt? Aerobic exercise on the body, which is in a state of calorie deficit, does not entail a loss of fasting fat, but a decrease in muscle mass. If you have a goal of losing weight, but need to make your body more sculpted, you should not skip a high-protein breakfast. Your morning diet should include 1 or more products from the following list:

  1. kefir;
  2. cottage cheese;
  3. egg whites.

Secrets of evening training

Many people find it difficult to get up in the morning, so they go to the fitness center after work. Is evening training effective? Very much, and now it’s time to consider a theory that is absolutely opposite to the previous one. Its adherents say that it is better to give the body cardio load in the evening. Why? After morning training, a person has the whole day ahead, that is:

  1. main meals;
  2. stress;
  3. physical activity.

The effectiveness of morning training is reduced due to the accumulation of calories, often extra. In the evening, in turn, you can get rid of everything unnecessary. The workout will burn away calories and the negative effects of stress. However, do not forget that in the evening the fitness centers are crowded. Sometimes you have to stand in line for the simulator.

When you need muscles...

Mostly women go to cardio training, but men are interested in gaining muscle mass. Even overweight guys exercise regularly. When are weight-bearing exercises most effective? Most doctors, athletes and bodybuilders say that in the first half of the day. After waking up, the body has the highest concentration of testosterone.

The level of this hormone is extremely important. It regulates many processes in the body and is responsible for endurance. In addition, in the morning you have the strength to work hard on yourself. After an early workout, they will not disappear anywhere, but in the evening after classes, you feel the desire to abstract from everything and go to bed.

How to gain weight by increasing muscle mass:

  1. Don't skip morning workouts.
  2. After waking up, load up on complex carbohydrates.
  3. Don't spare any effort in the gym.
  4. Go to bed no later than 22.00 so that growth hormone levels are restored overnight.
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