
The dough is the basis for the preparation of many confectionery products. The recipe for different types of dough can vary greatly.

Based on consistency, there is a distinction between thick and thin dough. According to the method of preparation - yeast and yeast-free (fresh). Based on the amount of baking, rich and non-butter dough is distinguished.

Unleavened dough can be puff pastry, shortbread, choux, biscuit, protein and others.

Cooking and baking different types of dough require specific temperatures. For yeast dough, the optimal temperature is 24-25°C. Choux pastry is cooked at high temperature. Shortbread and other types of unleavened dough are usually prepared at room temperature.

The dough is baked at 160-280°C depending on the type of product. Smaller items require higher temperatures and shorter baking times. For yeast products, the optimal temperature is 250-270°C, for butter products 220-240°C. The biscuit is baked at 200-220°C, puff pastry - at 250-260°C.

When kneading dough, first the liquid is poured into the flour to make the batter, and the flour is added to the liquid at a medium consistency. The dough of a strong consistency is prepared on a table or board.

Dough recipes are selected individually for each type of product. For example, for pancakes and crepes, a batter is prepared, and for baked goods, a thicker yeast dough is used.

Thus, to obtain high-quality confectionery products, it is important to strictly follow the recipe and technology for preparing a certain type of dough.