Experts have compiled a routine for a woman's ideal day

What does a perfect day look like for the average woman? The online publication Shine reported on a study conducted in the Journal of Economic Psychology. The study's authors tried to create a schedule for the perfect day, inspired by Lou Reed's song "The Perfect Day."

Researchers surveyed more than 900 working women and found that most of them preferred to spend time with their partners or friends instead of working or using transport. However, scientists took into account that even the most enjoyable activity can lose its appeal if you devote too much time to it.

An approximate routine for a woman’s ideal day includes:

  1. Romance: 106 minutes
  2. Chatting with friends: 82 minutes
  3. Relaxation: 78 minutes
  4. Prayer or meditation: 73 minutes
  5. Meal: 75 minutes
  6. Exercise: 68 minutes
  7. TV viewing: 68 minutes
  8. Shopping: 56 minutes
  9. Cooking time: 50 minutes
  10. Phone calls: 57 minutes
  11. Surfing the Internet and checking email: 48 minutes
  12. Housework: 47 minutes
  13. "Quiet Hour": 46 minutes
  14. Child care: 46 minutes
  15. Work: 36 minutes
  16. Trips: 33 minutes
  17. Sleep: 7-8 hours

The study's authors acknowledged that most working women would not be able to reduce their workday to 36 minutes. However, they believe that the schedule they created will help women reconsider their priorities and, perhaps, move closer to a happy life.

The Sun commented on the results of this study and noted that men and women imagine their ideal day differently. Men, according to the publication, are ready to be content with two minutes of romance and spend more time watching TV shows, sitting in the pub and looking at girls on various sites.

In conclusion, a woman's ideal day includes not only work and responsibilities, but also time for herself, for friends, for romantic relationships, and for taking care of her health and spiritual development. It's important to remember that each person has unique needs and preferences, and an ideal day's schedule may be different for everyone. The main thing is that it helps achieve happiness and harmony in life.