Massage of shoulders, neck and scalp
After finishing the massage of the back surface of the body, the person being massaged should rest a little. To massage the front part of the body, the person being massaged must roll over onto his back. Begin the massage by applying the oil to your upper chest, shoulders and neck in long, continuous strokes.
Place your hands on your upper chest under your collarbones, fingers facing each other (A). Slowly move your hands towards the shoulder joints, go around them. Next, move your hands over the shoulders to the neck (B), along the neck to the base of the skull and to the crown of the head (C).
Stretching your neck
Place both hands under the head of the person being massaged, fingers should be at the base of the skull. Raise your head slightly and gently pull it towards you, trying to stretch the back of your neck, then slowly lower your head. If the person being massaged manages to relax well, his head will seem heavy to you. If the person being massaged cannot relax, he will unconsciously raise his head and the massager should ask the person being massaged not to move until his neck is relaxed by stretching. If relaxation is not achieved, stop performing this movement and move on to the next one.
"Washing" hair
Rub the scalp vigorously with your fingertips, as if you were washing your hair.
Pulling out hair
Slowly pass a strand of hair between your fingers, pulling it. Repeat each movement 5-7 times.
Spine stretching
The person being massaged participates in this technique. He should raise his head a little so that the massager can put his hands under his back as far as possible. The palms should be placed along the spine (A). The person being massaged should relax, and as soon as this happens, begin moving your hands up along the spine (B). Hands should be folded in the form of a ladle and moved very slowly along the spine, along the neck and back of the head (C). The technique ends with the movement ““Tearing out” “hair”. If the person being massaged is very heavy or much taller than the person being massaged, this massage technique can be excluded.
Face massage
A massage will bring your face into a state of relaxation and relieve tension in those muscles where it should not be. Massaging the muscles around the eyes, eyebrows and temples will help relieve mental stress and headaches.
You should practice on your face to understand the sensations that arise. When massaging another person, pay attention to his sensations, since the threshold of sensitivity varies among people. Direction of massage: from top to bottom and from the middle of the muscles to the sides.
During the massage, the massager stands behind the head of the person being massaged. When performing a massage from the forehead to the chin, you must ensure that the movement is uniform.
Forehead massage
Place your thumbs on the middle of your forehead above your eyebrows, and place your remaining fingers on the sides of your forehead. Gradually moving your thumbs to the sides towards your hair, smooth and rub your forehead. You need to massage the entire surface of your forehead down to the roots of your hair.
Eyebrow massage
Place your thumbs on the eyebrows of the person being massaged at the bridge of the nose and move them from the starting position to the roots of the hair, as if continuing the horizontal line of the eyebrows.
Eye massage
Place your thumbs on the eyelids of the person being massaged and gently move from the inner to outer corners of the eyes and then to the sides.
Nose massage
Place your thumbs on the person being massaged's nose and massage it from top to tip, then squeeze the tip of the nose with your thumb and forefinger.
Chin massage
Using the thumb and forefinger of both hands, rhythmically squeeze the edge of your chin.
Cheek massage
Place your thumbs on your face under the inner corners of your eyes and run them along the top of your cheekbones to the roots of your hair above your ears. Repeat the same movement three times, but start: under the cheekbone, above the upper lip and under the lower lip.
Person massage