Hydromassage for weight loss and relaxation

The simultaneous effect of massage and water brings great benefits to our body. Hydromassage is a unique procedure that is very popular and receives good reviews from patients. The massage is carried out with a stream of water. The jet pressure and water temperature are selected individually for each person.

A more comfortable water temperature will promote greater relaxation of the body, which will lead to a better final result. With maximum relaxation of the body, the pressure of the water jet will have a therapeutic effect.


Used for cosmetic and medicinal purposes

Impact on the body

One of the main positive effects of this procedure is complete relaxation of the body.. It is not always possible for a person to relax completely, even if he takes the most comfortable position. Once in the water, a person experiences a state close to weightlessness. The muscles relax completely, and warm water enhances this effect. A powerful analgesic effect is obtained, spasmodic pain and the tendency to spasms are reduced.

Considering that the muscle fibers are completely relaxed, the movement of lymph and blood improves. Ultimately, metabolism is activated, trophic functions are improved, and hematomas and swelling resolve much faster.

A separate point worth noting is the improvement of venous and lymphatic circulation. Excess fluid begins to be actively removed from the body through natural filters. Due to the removal of excess fluid from the body, excess weight is lost. This procedure can rightfully be called a good, effective and enjoyable means of losing weight. Fat deposits and cellulite disappear quite quickly. There is also a significant increase in muscle and skin tone, the figure takes on the desired shape and shape.

Today, the hydromassage procedure can be called one of the most effective components for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.. It is also used in courses of treatment for diseases of the nervous system, metabolic disorders and diseases of certain internal organs.

Types of hydromassage

The procedure can be carried out in various variations, depending on the degree of the disease and the final result that needs to be achieved.

To carry out an underwater shower massage, a special bath is used, which is filled with warm water. The approximate water temperature is 35-37 degrees. The temperature of the stream should correspond to the temperature of the water in the bath. sometimes the jet temperature alternates with colder water.

As a rule, 15-25 sessions are carried out to achieve the desired result. During this massage, a mechanical effect occurs on deeper tissues, which stimulates metabolism and improves tissue nutrition.

Result of underwater shower massage:

  1. excess weight loss;
  2. elimination of edema;
  3. recovery from musculoskeletal injuries;
  4. treatment of certain gynecological pathologies;
  5. treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

For injuries of the musculoskeletal system, shower massage is prescribed after removal of the cast, unless there are contraindications. For the first 3 days, the area located above the injury is massaged, and only then the damaged area. The massage begins with light vibration and kneading movements with a stream of water. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 15 minutes.

Today, shower massage is often used for cosmetic purposes, namely:

  1. elimination of cellulite;
  2. improvement of the general condition of the skin;
  3. restoration of body contours.

The next subtype of hydromassage can be called whirlwind underwater massage. It is carried out in a specially equipped bath, where a circular flow of water is created.

For the first time, this type of massage began to be practiced in France for the purpose of treating serious injuries and some wounds. The vortex jet has an elastic effect on the entire body, penetrating into deeper layers. Metabolism and blood circulation improve, excess weight is reduced and stress is eliminated.

Local or general whirlpool massage is used. The temperature of the water may vary, depending on the disease and condition of the patient. The duration of one procedure varies from 10 to 30 minutes.

Whirlwind massage

Whirlwind underwater massage

Charcot's shower is widely used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. A kind of “shock” force acts on the body, which has a therapeutic effect. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.

Among the main positive effects, it is worth noting the improvement of lymph and blood circulation, stimulation of metabolism, is effective in the fight against cellulite and obesity, improves skin and muscle tone, and improves the figure. Useful after physical activity.

It is strictly forbidden to use for varicose veins, cardiovascular diseases, and skin diseases.

How the procedure is carried out: the patient stands at a distance of 3 meters, first he is doused with a fan stream so that he adapts to the force of the shower. Afterwards, a compact jet is applied from bottom to top over the body. First, the back surface of the body is massaged, then the side surfaces and the front.

The legs are massaged first, the jet is carried out 2-3 times from bottom to top. Then the stream moves to the thighs and buttocks. The back massage is carried out with a spray jet, smoothly moving to outstretched arms. Abdominal massage is always performed with a fan jet. Perform circular movements in a clockwise direction.

Do not massage the area of ​​the mammary glands, face and spine. The massage ends with a fan jet. One session includes from 12 to 15 procedures. Massage is performed daily or every other day.

Charcot's shower is divided into:

  1. fan;
  2. Scottish.

With the help of a fan shower, a more gentle effect is exerted on the body. The water temperature varies from 20 to 32 degrees. Water flows in the form of a fan using a special nozzle. It can be done daily.

The Scottish shower consists of alternating cold and hot water. First, the person is doused with water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees, then with water at 10-25 degrees. The alternation is carried out for 6 minutes, where the alternation is carried out 6 times.

Today, this type of hydromassage, dry, is becoming increasingly popular. It has gained enormous popularity not only among patients, but also among specialists. The body is exposed to jets of water, but at the same time the body remains completely dry.

The dry type of hydromassage has a beneficial effect on the entire body: relieves muscle tension, helps eliminate cellulite and swelling, and has a general tonic effect. Recommended for insomnia, depression, metabolic disorders.

Dry hydromassage

Dry hydromassage bath