Best time to train

A large number of people come to our website every day emails from our regular readers with various questions about training, nutrition, all kinds of techniques, training principles and much, much more..

Since many questions Often are repeated or overlap with each other, for some time now we have even begun to keep statistics of these requests in order to understand which topics are most in demand for you, what interests you most, what points it would be nice to dwell on in more detail in order to gradually close all your gaps in knowledge and increase the level of your theoretical preparedness...

So, we will start with perhaps one of the most popular topics. What interests our readers most? Here is a list of the most common and frequently asked questions addressed to us:

  1. How to choose the best time to play sports?
  2. How to determine the optimal time for bodybuilding?
  3. When is the most effective time to exercise - during the day, lunch or evening?
  4. How can you determine the best time to exercise?
  5. ...and other similar questions...

As you can see, all these readers are essentially interested in the same question: “Which hours and in what quantities in the daily biorhythm of the average person constitute the best time for training?” I think this interpretation of the issue will combine all of the above and other options. So, let's figure out how to find the most optimal and therefore most productive lesson time...

Based on many years of research, which began at the beginning of the last century, the peculiarities of oscillations were revealed muscle tone throughout the day from weightlifters. Two main periods increase muscle activity correspond to time intervals from 11 to 15 and from 18 to 21 hours.

The study of the daily rhythm of electrical activity and muscle strength also revealed a different nature of the dynamics after the action of an equivalent physical load on the body, performed at different times of the day. The period from 2 to 6 p.m. is characterized by decreased muscle activity. The results presented should be taken into account when planning educational and training sessions on athleticism.

Here are some more common questions sent to our editorial office by newcomers:

  1. How to start bodybuilding?
  2. When you decide to engage in bodybuilding, where should you start?
  3. How to start your bodybuilding training correctly for a beginner?
  4. What do you need to know to start iron sports?
  5. Is any preliminary preparation required before starting regular weight training?
  6. And many others…

Again, summarizing all this into one sentence, we will try to answer the question: “Where should you start if you are a green beginner, have never been to the gym and have never lifted anything heavy?” Or in other words: “What should be the very first steps a newly minted athlete?

Pre-preparation stage.

Before starting regular weight training, you must undergo two- to three-week preliminary training, 3-4 times a week performing exercises with the simplest equipment: a gymnastic stick, expander, medicine ball, dumbbells, etc. The correct selection, quantity, dosage of exercises should ensure their comprehensive impact, creating the necessary motor basis, strengthening the muscular system, preparing the respiratory and cardiovascular systems for more significant stress, developing the need for regular training.

The organization of exercises on apparatus must comply with a number of methodological requirements. Participants should be divided into subgroups of several (2-3) people with similar strength capabilities and using approximately equal weights. If necessary, they provide reliable mutual insurance. During classes, you need to exclude extraneous conversations, limit exposure to external stimuli: noise, erratic walking, etc. Remember: discipline And concentration Your attention is the most important factor in the quality organization and conduct of classes and the prevention of injuries.

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