How to keep up with everything around the house and be a beauty

Our readers on the I WANT portal forum are actively discussing the question of how to manage to be a good housewife and take care of yourself. Some even believe that it is almost unrealistic. We asked family time management expert Svetlana Goncharova to answer.

The most important condition for this is to WANT to take care of yourself! Understand that self-care is paramount for a woman. And especially for mothers and housewives. A lot depends on the mother. And if the mother is organized, happy and beautiful, she will be able to take very good care of the children, husband and home. And if a woman, squeezed like a lemon, is irritated, looks like Baba Yaga - then believe me, the children and husband will feel bad first of all! Therefore, to begin with, every housewife must understand that the key to happiness and order in the family is a full and rested mother!

Time planning

The next step is to consciously plan time for yourself. When you make your plan for the day, immediately include time for yourself in it! For relaxation, for self-care, for development. This time is just as important as the time spent cleaning and cooking.

So just block out hours (or at least minutes) in your diary for self-care. And then just follow your plan! It is written to cook and eat - cook! It is written to lie down with a book and a cup of tea - do it too!

It is important to learn to switch gears and not worry about unfinished business, Svetlana believes. “Try this approach! Don't worry about unfinished things. You will do them much faster and with pleasure if you first restore your strength and take care of yourself. A woman filled with strength and joy can move mountains, believe me!” the expert assures.

Is it really possible to “fit 48 hours into a day”?

From the point of view of physics, it is, of course, impossible to fit 48 into 24 hours. But you can definitely add meaning to your ordinary 24. I believe that understanding that time is not rubber, that your day, month, year, and indeed your whole life are finite - it really helps to use the time that we have with great meaning and benefit.

I don’t think about how to get the most done in a day. I'm thinking about how to get the MAIN THINGS done during this day! The speed at which things are completed and the amount of work done does not mean that everything you have “done” is actually important for you and your family.

Fast forward speed does not guarantee that you are moving in the right direction. That's why I don't try to do everything. I try to keep up with the MOST IMPORTANT things for me, for my family and work. And believe me, 24 hours is enough to get the most important things done and be truly happy!

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