How to Protect Our Skin From UV Radiation to Prevent the Melanoma Skin Cancer

Protecting our skin from UV radiation is essential to prevent melanoma, a type of skin cancer that occurs after long-term exposure to sunlight. Although this disease affects millions of people worldwide, there are several ways to limit its impact.

One of the first steps is to use suitable clothing during outdoor activities. Protective clothing such as hats, sunglasses, long sleeves, and pants with wide leg openings can help block UV rays and prevent damage to the skin. However, keep in mind that these measures alone do not fully protect against all risks; regular application of sunscreen is also recommended.

Sunscreen blocks UV rays by providing a barrier between the skin and the harmful wavelengths of light, preventing them from reaching the surface of the skin. Modern sunscreen formulas contain a mixture of ingredients that include zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and polymers, but do not provide full protection from both types of UV radiation.ItIs important to buy sunscreen that contains over 30% SPF (Sun Protection Factor), as products with 5% or less may not provide adequate protection. Regular application of sunblock is critical, as sweats and residues of preexisting substances can make protection ineffective. Instead, apply new amounts as often as necessary.