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Karate is one of the most popular and respected martial arts in the world. It originated in Japan more than 1,400 years ago and was founded by a black-gloved, black-gaited master named Ueshiba Morihei. At the beginning of its development, karate was not an official organization or school, but was a group of students of master Ueshiba. Today, karate includes many different styles and disciplines.

The first sign that karate originated in Japan is the Chinese character "Karat", which was borrowed by the Japanese. Kirazu means "journey" and kata means "path". For many millennia, Japan was inhabited and ruled by an imperial dynasty. They had many conflicts with other peoples in the region. To defend themselves and their citizens, Japanese rulers needed an effective self-defense system. The Japanese were looking for ways to strengthen their defense and here they turned to Zen Buddhism and karate. The term "karate" was coined by Ueshiba in 1936.

Karate training is based on many systems of training and self-discipline. They include physical exercises such as squats, push-ups, burpees and grabs. Karate also includes philosophical issues such as breathing control, working with thoughts and self-control methods.

Karate teachings in a school (dojo) are centered around the practice of kata, creating forms in a specific order. Kata are training complexes