
Kimocyclography (from the Greek kimos “attachment” - “circle” and from the Greek kephalos - “head”) is a direction of methodology for studying the dynamic world of a modern metropolis, a new type of society based on information and communication technologies, the dissemination of postmodern ideas, including style of thinking, free, pluralistic, contextual, hyperactive, full of unpredictability, nonlinearity, as well as a decrease in social control and bureaucratization, an increase in the intensity of personal presence (in all senses (V. McLuhan, M. Castells)), accordingly, the saturation of people’s movements increases, movements, noise, the role of the effect of visual perception of urban space as such and its inhabitants and objects as parts of this system increases.

The interaction of these social technologies is multimodal. Kimo and cyclo in the concept, according to the author, are located at the ends of the social model of social organization, being a force of repulsion and a force of attraction, uniting in a certain paradigm that is quite understandable in its content. True, this paradigm can hardly be attributed to the social reality that we use now, but nevertheless it verbalizes a certain alternative, analyzing the synergy of the structural interaction of kimo and cyclo, which is represented by their reflection in relation to each other. Kimo as a “circle of constant action”, a constant cyclic state, circus technologies; cyclo as a “closed cycle” or some kind of vicious circle (the phenomenon of total loneliness). The ideology of clowns and clowning in general perfectly reflects the essence of the kimono. Clowns are essentially opposing worlds in the world of a game simulation of reality, being by definition unhappy people. Everything is good and easy for them. But their attempts to tell the truth, accompanied by absurdity and absurdity, run into a wall of misunderstanding. Like the kimo, this is the ability to mask movement of any nature that arises in the conditions of our