Treatment of Hypertension

Knowing the causes of hypertension, you can choose effective ways to treat it.

First of all, you need to reconsider your attitude towards life so that external events worry you less. You should treat them reasonably, without emotions.

You need to learn to relax and, perhaps, master autogenic training. This will help you relieve the stress accumulated during the day, fully relax, and restore capillary blood circulation.

In this case, warm water procedures, wraps, and a steam room help well. They not only relax and improve capillary blood circulation, but also help detoxify and equalize the overall charge of the body.

Physical exercises to the point of light sweating in the form of walking, running, and regular gymnastics, especially athletic exercises, help improve capillary circulation and lower blood pressure.

Breathing exercises using the methods of Buteyko and Strelnikova, the rhythmic breathing of yogis, and breathing that cleanses the field form of life are also useful. All these types of breathing contribute to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the body, which affects the opening of blood vessels and muscle relaxation.

Among therapeutic and preventive means, nutrition and cleansing of the body are important.

The diet should be dominated by salads from fresh vegetables, fruits, and wheat sprouts, which increase the body's charge and prevent the blood from thickening. It is best to use intermittent fasting. They help cleanse the body at the level of connective tissue and increase the overall charge of the body.

You should definitely cleanse your liver and large intestines.

Urine therapy has proven itself to be effective in lowering blood pressure. Having a mild diuretic effect, it removes excess water from the body, promotes the opening of capillaries and, as a result, reduces arterial, intracranial and intraocular pressure.

By following these steps, you can normalize your blood pressure and get rid of numerous adverse health effects.