Albright Syndrome

Albride syndrome is a fairly rare disease that occurs due to various mutations in the FGFR1 gene, which is responsible for the function and regulation of this receptor in the human body. In most cases, the syndrome manifests itself in the form of various jaw dysplasias, which means unbalanced development of the jaw bones. The disorder manifests itself primarily in childhood, when the child’s lower jaw is developing. Its development is disrupted, as a result of which certain zones remain underdeveloped, while others remain overly hypertrophied. Over time, imbalances in the jaw system lead to various associated defects (dislocations of joints, displacement of the upper jaw). In this article we will look at the causes and features of the manifestation of Albright syndrome, as well as methods of its treatment.

According to modern medical literature, Albright syndrome is a hereditary genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the FGFR1 gene. The appearance of the pathology can be traced at the hereditary level, and although scientists have not identified a direct connection with gender characteristics, this disorder is more often detected in women than