Hand treatments at home

Statistics show that when making acquaintances, secondly after the face, we pay attention to the hands. Hands can say a lot. Often they can be used to determine the true age of a person. And, of course, all women strive to ensure that their hands are beautiful and well-groomed. And if it is better to entrust a complex manicure to a professional, then caring procedures are not difficult to carry out independently at home.

Why is it important to take care of your hand skin?

Oddly enough, the skin of the hands is very delicate, susceptible to the influence of negative factors. And there are many such factors. Cold winter air, summer heat. And don’t forget about housework, which also doesn’t have the best effect on the condition of your skin.

The skin on the hands is almost as thin and vulnerable as the skin around the eyes. This is due to the fact that both there and there are practically no subcutaneous fat and muscles. Therefore, you need to treat your hands with special care.

Watch a video on this topic:

Useful hand treatments

Let's see what procedures restore the skin of your hands at the cellular level:

  1. hand baths;
  2. hand skin masks;
  3. peeling.

Procedures such as hand massage and paraffin baths are also very useful.

During the massage, blood flow is activated, the skin becomes more elastic and tightened. And if you use various cosmetics during the procedure, this will enhance the effect several times.

As for paraffin baths, this is an indispensable restorative procedure, especially relevant in the cold season. The skin is saturated with useful substances, becoming noticeably more well-groomed and rejuvenated.

However, this is a very difficult procedure, which has its own contraindications. For example, paraffin baths should not be done if the skin is damaged.

For more information about this, watch the video:

How to protect your hands?

But in order not to nullify all efforts, you need to adhere to some rules.

  1. Don't neglect rubber gloves when doing housework. Aggressive household chemicals are harmful to delicate skin. But the use of ordinary household products also negatively affects the condition of the skin of the hands. If possible, it is highly desirable to minimize all possible contacts with household chemicals. And even dishes are best washed with special gloves.
  2. Wash your hands with water at a comfortable temperature. Please note that the water should not be too hot. Severe temperature changes can lead to redness and flaking of the skin.
  3. After contact with water, dry your hands thoroughly to avoid chapped skin.
  4. Adjust your drinking regime. Make sure you drink the required amount of water per day.
  5. Consult your doctor and start taking vitamins A, C and E, the most essential vitamins for healthy and beautiful skin.
  6. During the day, moisturize your hands with a soft cream. This will help avoid dryness, flaking, etc.

SPA treatments for hands at home


Home treatments cannot fully replace salon visits. However, they are certainly good for keeping your hands in shape between salon treatments.

What will you need for this?

  1. Basic and essential oils.
  2. Herbs and sea salt.
  3. A container that will serve as a bath.
  4. A napkin made of linen or cotton. Pay attention to the quality of the fabric. Forget about a terry towel, it can leave strings and lint on the skin.
  5. A moisturizing cream tailored to the needs of your specific skin.

The procedures are best carried out when homework is completed and there are a couple of free hours to take care of yourself.

Preparation for procedures

How to properly prepare your hands for spa treatments?

  1. Remove the varnish layer from your nails. Preference should be given to nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.
  2. Wash your hands with warm water and mild soap.
  3. Dry your skin with a napkin.

So, let's get started!

Hand baths


What are the benefits of hand baths?

  1. Baths have a relaxing and softening effect.
  2. After this procedure, it is easier to remove the cuticle.
  3. The skin is saturated with useful substances if you add your favorite essential oils, sea salt, etc. to the water.

The duration of the procedure should be approximately 5-7 minutes. This is quite enough to achieve the desired effect. Do not make the bath water too hot; the temperature should be comfortable and pleasant to the skin.

Let's look at some simple recipes:

  1. You need to add a tablespoon of base oil, olive or almond, to warm water. And three drops each of rosemary and menthol essential oils. This bath will give you strength and vigor.
  2. Add the juice of one lemon and 3 drops of citrus essential oil to the heated water. For example, grapefruit or orange. Enrich the resulting solution by adding a little soda and cinnamon. Such a citrus bath will not only have a beneficial effect on the skin, but will also lift your spirits with a bright, fresh scent.


This is a gentle product that renews the top layer of skin by exfoliating dead particles.
Please note that this procedure has its contraindications.

The procedure can be carried out immediately after the hand bath.

Let's look at the most popular recipes.

  1. Fruit peeling. For preparation you will need fruits or berries with a pronounced sour taste. For example, kiwi, strawberries, oranges, etc. The fruits must be ground in a blender until smooth. Then carefully apply to the skin of your hands and rub gently for 5 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
  2. Salt peeling. A powerful exfoliating agent, an indispensable helper during the cold season. To prepare the peeling mixture, you need to mix salt and thick honey in equal proportions. Those with dry and sensitive skin should add a little sour cream or base oil to the mixture.
  3. Coffee peeling. Perhaps the simplest recipe. All we need is coffee grounds. The mixture is gently rubbed into the skin of the hands for 5-7 minutes, then washed off with warm water.
  4. Clay peeling. The clay powder must be diluted with warm water to form a thick sour cream. The mass is gently rubbed into the skin for 10 minutes.

And don’t forget to moisturize your skin after the procedure with a mask, oil or nourishing cream.


As you know, masks are a very effective remedy that helps maintain youthful and healthy skin.
There are several very simple and effective recipes.

  1. Egg mask. To prepare the mask you will need the yolk of one egg and 1 tablespoon of honey. The mass should be applied to the hands and left for some time.
  2. Honey mask. To a tablespoon of honey you need to add a little lemon juice and vegetable oil. Apply to the skin of your hands with gentle movements.
  3. Oatmeal mask. Pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of large oatmeal. When the flakes have swollen and cooled a little, you can add a little olive oil to them. Lubricate your hands with the resulting mixture and leave for 10 minutes.

Stay young and beautiful and don’t forget to take time to take care of yourself!


Just by the appearance of the hands one can understand the true age of a person. The skin on the hands is vulnerable, since it contains a very small amount of water in its composition, and on the surface of the skin there are few sebaceous glands, which are completely absent on the palms. Therefore, hand care is important not only from an aesthetic point of view.

Features of hand care


Constant cleaning around the house using various chemicals negatively affects the condition of the skin. Most women do not pay special attention to caring for their hands and nails. Only sometimes do the fair sex apply cream to their hands if they become dry and rough. And lack of proper care can provoke the formation of wrinkles, age spots and small cracks on the hands.

In addition, the resulting cracks can cause infection, since microbes and contaminants easily penetrate under the skin through them. Prolonged and frequent exposure to detergents contributes to the disruption of the immune system, as well as the development of skin diseases, including eczema and allergic dermatitis. Talking about how take care of your hands at home, we can recommend following some rules and recommendations:

  1. Hands should be cleaned of dirt with water at room temperature, since using cold water for this purpose can lead to peeling of the hands, as well as stiffness of the skin. And the use of hot water dries out the skin, degreasing the surface, and because of this, the skin becomes rough and rough.
  2. All housework, for example, washing, washing, cooking, cleaning, must be carried out only using protective gloves, since the chemicals that are part of detergents negatively affect the condition of the skin of the hands.
  3. When washing your hands, it is recommended to use toilet soap or a special gel. These products contain substances that prevent the skin from drying out.
  4. After contact with water, hands should be thoroughly dried. This will prevent the formation of hangnails on your fingers.
  5. It is recommended to apply moisturizer to your hands daily.
  6. It must be remembered that the elbows also need careful care, as the skin there often becomes rough and dry. For this reason, when washing your hands, your elbows should be rubbed with a scrub or pumice stone in a circular motion, after which the skin should be generously lubricated with a rich cream with the addition of a few drops of lemon juice.

In addition to these recommendations, girls from the age of 25 are recommended to have a spa manicure and hand massage at least once every 2 weeks, and after 35 years - at least 3 times a month.

Effective cleansing methods

The process of caring for your hand skin at home involves removing external contaminants. Most often, simply washing your hands with soap is not enough for complete cleansing. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically cleanse the skin of your hands using special cleansing baths. This procedure involves immersing your hands in water so that all the liquid covers not only your hands, but also your forearms to the elbow joint.

Recipes for cleansing baths

There are many effective recipes for baths, which are an excellent answer to the question of how to properly care for the skin of your hands. This does not require any specific ingredients or high costs. Cooking recipes:

  1. Take one liter of warm water, dissolve in it one spoon of glycerin, the same amount of liquid soap, a teaspoon of baking soda, half a teaspoon of ammonia. You need to keep your hands in the resulting bath for 10 minutes, after which you wipe the skin well and apply some kind of rich cream on top.
  2. Dissolve 100 grams of sea or table salt in one liter of warm water.

In addition to cleansing baths, you can make compositions to moisturize and nourish the skin of your hands. The duration will depend on the condition of the skin. Typically, the duration of the procedure is from 10 to 30 minutes. Recipes for moisturizing baths:

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    Take two tablespoons of vegetable oil and add to 2 liters of warm water. Place your hands in the resulting mixture up to your elbows. It is recommended to use 2 times a week.
  2. Dissolve one spoon of glycerin and one teaspoon of ammonia in two liters of warm water. It is recommended to use this bath every day for two weeks. After a month, the course of hand moisturizing can be repeated.
  3. Take one spoon of dry herb plantain, nettle, sage or chamomile. Pour the raw material with one liter of boiling water. Let the broth cool, then immerse your hands in it for half an hour.
  4. Sauerkraut juice and whey are effective products in the fight against rough and rough skin. After such a bath, it is recommended to apply a cream made on a fatty basis to your hands.
  5. Starch-based baths help with existing calluses and cracks on the hands. To do this, you need to dilute a spoonful of starch in one liter of heated water. Keep your hands in the liquid for 15 minutes, then rinse with plain water and apply a nourishing cream specifically for dry skin.

Exfoliation of dead particles


Thanks to exfoliation procedure dead skin cells of the stratum corneum are removed from the skin of the hands, preparing the skin surface for the action of the active substance during future care. This procedure must be carried out using a scrub while taking a bath or after it. For this event, you can use either a ready-made scrub or one you prepare yourself at home.

To create such a hand care product, you need to take a tablespoon of fine salt and one spoon of any vegetable oil. Mix all ingredients thoroughly, after which the resulting composition is thoroughly rubbed into the skin using a cotton pad.

There is another recipe for making a scrub: mix a spoonful of sugar with a tablespoon of olive oil. The method of application is the same.

After using the scrub, the brushes are rinsed with warm water and moisturized with cream.

Positive effects of massage


Massage can also have a positive effect on skin receptors. In addition, it promotes lymph and blood circulation, relieving ligaments and muscles from tension. For this purpose, classical massage in the form of stroking and rubbing, as well as acupuncture or acupressure, is mainly used. During the procedure, the skin should be lubricated with a simple moisturizer or special massage oil.

Thanks to exercises, you can eliminate the fatigue and tension that has accumulated in your limbs during the day. If the legs and arms are in the same position for a long time, this can lead to their fatigue and stagnation of blood in the vessels. When your hands are busy throughout the day, for example, working at the keyboard, they need rest.

If your fingers have been under severe tension for a long time and have been in a bent state, you need to do exercises to relax and straighten. Each exercise must be done about 10 times. Moreover, such gymnastics does not take much time. Basic exercises:

  1. To relieve tension, you can shake your hands, then rotate your hands counterclockwise and back.
  2. Take the starting position with your hands on the table. Extend and bend your hands.
  3. Place your elbows on the table. Clench your hands into fists, then sharply unclench and squeeze.
  4. Straighten your palms. Bend your fingers one at a time, starting with the little finger. You need to straighten your fingers in the reverse order.

Nutrition, hydration and protection

The use of creams is simply necessary to nourish, moisturize and protect the skin. At the same time, a different type of cream is selected for each purpose. They can be purchased at any cosmetic store, or you can prepare them yourself at home, and such a product will be no less effective than a store-bought one.

To prepare the cream at home, you need to take one tablespoon of marigold, chamomile, string or plantain. You can also take a mixture of herbs. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over the raw material and let it brew for 8-9 hours. After this time, strain the infusion. Mix 50 grams of butter with one teaspoon of the resulting infusion and the same amount of natural honey. Mix everything well and apply the resulting composition to the skin.

To prepare another cream, you need to take two chicken yolks and 100 grams of fat sour cream. Beat the products with a mixer or blender. Continuing to beat, gradually add the juice of half a lemon, as well as two tablespoons of vodka, which can be replaced with 1 tablespoon of cognac or alcohol.

You can also mix 50 grams of glycerin, cream and a few drops of lemon juice.

Masks at home


You can easily make nourishing and moisturizing skin masks at home, thanks to which the skin becomes even softer than from using baths. Such masks will not only nourish the skin, but also have a positive effect on the protective properties of the surface of the epidermis, while simultaneously stimulating the process of cellular restoration.

Tip: masks should only be applied to previously cleansed skin.

Most often, such products are made based on glycerin, lanolin, moisturizers, oils, vitamins, honey, wax, royal jelly, ginseng, chamomile, aloe and much more. In cosmetic stores you can purchase whitening, algae, modeling, anti-aging and other ready-made mixtures for masks.

As a mask, you can also use a regular fatty cream, which should be applied in a thick layer and kept on the surface of the skin for at least 15 minutes. The remnants of the mask are removed with warm water or simply removed with a paper napkin. It is recommended to apply such compositions at night, lubricating the skin with cream and wearing cellophane gloves on top. In the morning, the mask is washed off with warm water. Mask recipes:

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    Paraffin mask. Lubricate your palms and hands with cream, cover the top with paraffin, which must be brought to a liquid state when heated. Wrap the brushes in cellophane and put on terry or cotton mittens on top. This way it will be possible to slow down the cooling process of the paraffin composition. This remedy relieves tension in ligaments and muscles and relieves joint pain. Under the influence of heat, pores expand, sebaceous secretion and sweating increase, and lymph and blood formation improve. As a result, the skin becomes toned, tightened, and smooth. A paraffin mask is recommended for dehydrated and dry skin.
  2. Oatmeal-honey mask. Mix three tablespoons of oatmeal with a tablespoon of olive oil, add the same amount of milk and one teaspoon of honey. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the resulting composition to the skin. After an hour, the mask can be removed. To enhance the effect, you can wear cotton gloves on top.
  3. Oil-yolk mask. Beat one teaspoon of honey and one chicken egg yolk, add a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil. Rub the resulting composition into the skin, wait 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and lubricate the brushes with nourishing cream.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that it is necessary to clean not only the skin of your hands, but also your nails. To do this, you can use special brushes and various oils. To lighten your nails, you can use lemon juice by rubbing it in thoroughly. The beauty of your skin can be complemented by a beautiful manicure.


When taking care of ourselves, we pay great attention to our facial skin, hair, and figure. But we don’t always think about our hands. Meanwhile, how many times have we read in books about “aristocratic,” “gentle,” “sensual” hands. They attract attention no less than a face or hairstyle, and also require careful care. Today we offer you a SPA program for hands, which you can implement yourself at home. Spend 20 minutes a day on yourself and your hands will be beautiful!

What is special about the skin of your hands?

We know who the skin of the face is very delicate, the skin around the eyes is delicate, the skin of the neck requires special attention, but what do we know about the skin of the hands? Meanwhile, it has its own characteristics that determine the subtleties of care.

You will be surprised, but the skin of your hands can be compared to... facial skin. It is quite thin and sensitive. The fact is that the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue on the hands (normally) is extremely small, there are also few sebaceous glands in the skin, so the production of lipids that protect the skin from drying out is low. The consequence of this is the high vulnerability of the skin of the hands. But the traumatic rate, unfortunately, is much higher: you must admit that due to our own carelessness we often receive scratches, cuts and other damage.

The skin of your hands is very sensitive: it reacts to hypothermia, chemicals (you also do housework without gloves?), and excess humidity. And if you don’t start taking care of your hands now, then later it will be difficult to revive rough and flaky skin.

Three steps to hand care

Have we convinced you that hand care is necessary? Well, you can start with a few simple but very important steps.


Step 1

The first step is to change your attitude towards your hands. We remember that the skin here is as sensitive as on the face. That is why you should not wash it with too cold or hot water, use aggressive detergents and rub it with all your might with a towel. Remember how carefully you wash your face. Treat your hands the same way: wash them with water at a comfortable temperature, dry them thoroughly, but do not rub the skin, do not go outside in winter without gloves. These simple rules will provide your hand skin with daily care and comfort.

Step 2

Protect your hands. The methods have long been known, but we do not always follow them. When washing dishes, cleaning the house, or handling household chemicals, use rubber gloves. We understand that many people are uncomfortable working in them, but try wearing thin surgical gloves, they may be more comfortable. And in the summer, when working in the garden, do not forget about cotton gloves. And if you have to work with your bare hands, then apply a rich cream to them first, it will create protection. Don't forget about your hands and when you're at sea, apply sunscreen to them. Deprived of a sufficient lipid layer, the skin of the hands quickly loses moisture and dries out in direct sunlight.

Step 3

The third step is the most pleasant: give your hands a home SPA session for your hands. It's not difficult at all and very useful.



Hand scrub helps get rid of flaky skin, renew it, make it more tender and soft. But remember: if the skin of your hands is very dry, cracked, and sensitive, then it is better to do not a scrub, but a peeling.

As a scrubbing agent, you can use coffee grounds or small oatmeal mixed with oil and honey (in small quantities). You can carry out the procedure using lemon pulp: the acid in its composition will help remove dry skin particles, and in addition, lemon has a whitening effect.

Hand baths

A hand bath is just 10-15 minutes dedicated to yourself, and a wonderful result. During the procedure, your hands will rest and relax, and you will also take a break from continuous household chores.

A starch bath is perfect for softening the skin, relieving inflammation and irritation. To prepare it, mix two teaspoons of potato starch with a little hot water. Stir so that there are no lumps in the mixture and pour into a container that already contains about 1 liter of hot water. Stir, wait for a comfortable temperature and place your hands in the container (you can add water if necessary). A bath with a decoction of flax seeds (three teaspoons per liter of water) will help soften the skin.


And again oatmeal will be used. You've already made a scrub out of them, but they also make an excellent nourishing mask, which is optimal for those with dry skin. Mix one yolk with a dessert spoon of oatmeal or small flakes. Add a little honey to the mixture and apply on your hands for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and apply nourishing cream.

Masks made with oils have a very good effect on the skin. For example, mix coconut oil with dried cornflower and calendula flowers and apply the mixture to your hands. It will moisturize the skin, give it youth, and a pleasant bonus is that coconut oil perfectly maintains healthy nails.

Of course, you buy hand cream at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. But use our little know-how: add vitamins A and E (tocopherol, aevit) to it. This will help enhance its beneficial effects.

And don’t forget that you need to take care of the skin of your hands as regularly as you take care of your face. And then your hands will never give away your age. Let hand care and attention to yourself become a new style of your life.