Simple gymnastics for the face


Elena Karkukli, author of a book about facial gymnastics “FaceDay”. She has been doing gymnastics herself for 6 years and has been training other girls for 5 years.


We interviewed Elena. We asked you to tell us what gymnastics for the face is, how 5 minutes of exercise a day helps smooth out wrinkles and sculpt your face, and we selected for you several exercises from the training club Faceday “Face as Art”

What is facial gymnastics

There are 57 muscles under the skin of the face. At one end they are attached to the bones of the skull, at the other they are woven into the skin. By contracting, the facial muscles move the areas of the skin to which they are attached. These contractions control human facial expressions: wrinkling the forehead, closing the eyes, smiling.


The appearance of the face depends on the condition of these muscles. Like the muscles of the body, they can become weak or overused. This immediately appears on the face: wrinkles, thin lips, drooping eyelids and other changes. But, like the muscles of the body, the muscles of the face can be brought back to normal with exercise. And behind healthy muscles, facial features will return to normal.

Head massage to warm up muscles

Before exercise, as a warm-up, it is useful to massage the scalp. Massage will increase blood circulation in the tissues, warm up the muscles and prepare them for exercise.

In addition, massage enhances nutrition of hair follicles. A follicle is the root of the hair, which is responsible for its growth, quality and restoration. A year of scalp massage gives thick, strong hair. They stop splitting and breaking off when combing.

Exercises to smooth out wrinkles

As we age, everyone gets wrinkles. The reason is a change in muscle tone, volume and size. Without even, smooth support, the skin wrinkles and breaks, that is, wrinkles appear. Exercises can restore muscles: return normal tone, size and volume. Following the muscles, the skin will also smooth out.

Smoothing the forehead

Smoothing wrinkles between eyebrows

Exercises for facial sculpting

There are exercises you can use to sculpt your face. For example, enlarging lips without hyaluronic acid injections and tightening drooping upper eyelids without blepharoplasty. Thin, compressed lips are an overstrained orbicularis oris muscle. A drooping upper eyelid is a weak orbicularis oculi muscle. As with all muscles, they can be worked and brought back to normal.

Lip augmentation


Upper eyelid lift

Lymphatic drainage facial massage to relieve puffiness

The problem many people have is swelling. In the mornings, the face is tired, the eyelids and area around the eyes are puffy. Swelling is accompanied by a deterioration in the appearance of the skin. The pores expand, the complexion becomes uneven and painful.

Puffiness is not just an aesthetic problem. This is a problem with our lymphatic system. The lymphatic system, as part of the immune system, protects the body and cleanses it of toxins. It does not have a central “pump”, like, for example, the heart of the circulatory system. Therefore, lymph moves slowly and can stagnate. A sign of stagnation is the appearance of swelling.

Oil for lymphatic drainage massage

To avoid pulling the skin and forming creases during the massage, you need to use moisturizer. For massage, it is important that the moisturizing base is oily, helps your hands glide and does not absorb for a long time. An oil or face cream containing oil is suitable for this.

Hydrophilic oil is often found in women's arsenal. They usually remove makeup and cleanse the skin. This oil is not absorbed, and your hands glide over it perfectly, so it is suitable for massage. Hydrophilic oil should be applied to dry skin with dry hands.


You can use any other oils: coconut, olive, almond, argan. The main thing is that it suits your skin and does not cause allergies. If you have an oil that you use regularly, great. If you buy something new, test it on your hand first. Observe skin for 15 minutes after application. Redness and itching indicate an allergy. Do not use this oil.


Facial massage can be done not only with your hands, but also with the help of special massagers. The nozzle, just like the hands, stimulates lymph flow and reduces swelling, and the silicone protrusions work deeper into the internal structures of the face without collecting the skin in folds. The size of the nozzle is also important. It is the small nozzle that will help to more thoroughly massage the area under the eyes, where puffiness occurs most often.


The device has the advantage that it can be kept in the refrigerator. The cold will enhance the effect of the massage, quickly refresh your face and help you cheer up. Before using the massager, the skin also needs to be moisturized with oil or a rich cream that contains oil.


Facial massage is not recommended for people with sensitive skin, so as not to provoke irritation and redness. Also, you should not massage if you have active acne on your face, because you can accidentally open it in the process, and the consequences can be very unpleasant - from scars to infection. Do not have lymphatic drainage massage if you have swelling. Tumor cells can travel throughout the body with lymph.

Exercises to improve posture

A slouched person will always look more mature. Incorrect posture is the cause of a blurred oval face, double chin, short neck with transverse folds and withers on the back. Incorrect posture contributes to stagnation of lymph in the head. And, as you already know, this is facial swelling, enlarged pores and unhealthy skin color.

The exercise will improve your posture and help you cope with changes associated with it. In addition, your height will increase by 2 - 3 cm.

How often should you exercise

The frequency of exercise depends on changes in your face. The more changes, the more often you need to practice. Deep, multiple wrinkles, large swelling and a very swollen oval of the face require 5 sessions per week. Less pronounced changes - 2-3 sessions per week. Young girls only need to exercise once a week just to prevent changes.

Classes take 5 minutes. You don't have to do everything at once. Distribute exercises and massage at convenient times throughout the day. For example, a head massage can be done under an evening shower. Lymphatic drainage massage in the morning while washing. Exercise for posture during breaks if you have a sedentary job.

What else is needed

At the beginning, you don’t have to combine facial exercises with anything else. For example, at 33, 34, 35, 36. If your face bothers you, start with exercises. Worried about swelling - with lymphatic drainage massage. If your posture is bothering you, start there.

But over time, everyone understands that the body needs additional work. Then you can supplement your activities with what you want, as needed. Gymnastics for the face does not negate the fact that people should think about proper nutrition, healthy sleep and exercise for the body.


  1. Facial exercises smooth out wrinkles, for example on the forehead and between the eyebrows.
  2. Exercises can be used to sculpt your face, for example, to enlarge your lips and lift drooping eyelids.
  3. Lymphatic drainage facial massage improves lymph circulation and relieves puffiness
  4. Head massage increases blood flow in the upper third of the face. Improves skin color and strengthens hair.
  5. Exercises to restore posture improve the overall appearance of the face and neck and increase height by 2-3 cm.

It is recommended to practice facial massage and gymnastics if there are no inflammations on the skin, so as not to provoke their worsening. And the simplest thing we can do is help cells exfoliate and renew themselves. Especially for this, we have compiled a selection of safe home remedies for skin renewal. Enter your email and click the download button ↓


If you don’t want your face to resemble a raisin in ten years, don’t forget to give your skin daily care in the form of moisturizing creams and cleansing masks, watch your diet and devote time to facial exercises. The sooner you start doing special facial exercises against wrinkles, the longer you will remain beautiful and young. Therefore, even if you are not even 25 and there are no hated creases on your face, this does not mean that you need to ignore this article. Of course, with irreversible age-related changes in the skin, when deep furrows have already appeared on the face, one can hardly rely much on gymnastics. In all other cases, exercise should not be underestimated. Try to fight your laziness and work on your face every day, and you will notice how your skin turgor will noticeably improve. The main thing is to perform the exercises correctly and be systematic. This will maximize the youthful appearance of your facial skin and normalize the functioning of facial muscles.


What you need to know to get started:

  1. Do the exercises in the morning or evening. And for the best effect, twice a day for 20 minutes. Exercises can be done both in the morning and in the evening. And for greater effect – 2 times a day for 20-30 minutes.
  1. Drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day. Water will make your muscles elastic. If the body is dehydrated, then it is not recommended to carry out any gymnastics for both the face and body.
  1. Before the procedure, first cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dirt. Apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type with massaging movements. This way you will prepare your face, warm up your muscles and skin.


  1. To prevent strands from interfering with facial exercises, use a hairpin or scarf.
  1. Perform the rejuvenating complex directly in front of the mirror. This way you can control the correct progress of each exercise. Subsequently, when you can perform facial gymnastics automatically, you will be able to perform the procedure without a mirror.
  1. Relax. Your breathing should be calm and even.


  1. To motivate and lift your spirits, turn on some music and imagine that your skin is getting younger every day.
  1. During gymnastics, to relax your facial muscles, from time to time do a light massage of the area you were directly working on.
  1. If you suddenly don’t feel well, then stop working out. Exercises should be done exclusively in high spirits.


  1. Beginners are recommended to perform each exercise 10 times. After a week of training, one repetition of the complex is added. Thus, ideally it is necessary to perform several approaches: 5-10 repetitions of 10 times. Don't be alarmed, it doesn't take as long as it seems. But the result of your efforts will be noticeable within 1 month.


Exercise for a smooth forehead

Press the fingers of both hands to your forehead so firmly that their tips touch each other. Try to raise your eyebrows so that wrinkles do not form. If you perform this exercise often enough, over time you will notice that the wrinkles on the forehead have smoothed out, and the facial muscles have become accustomed to raising the eyebrows so that longitudinal wrinkles do not form.


Exercise for the brow area

Place your index fingers above your eyebrows. Pull your fingers down, raise your eyebrows up, working the muscles of the brow ridges.


Exercise for the eyebrow area

Press the inner tips of your eyebrows with your middle fingers. Index fingers - place directly above the middle ones. This is important, otherwise you will not only not get the anti-aging effect, but you will also aggravate the existing situation with wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. Lower your eyebrows as if you are trying to frown. At the same time, he holds the skin with his fingers, preventing folds from forming. Relax. Repeat 10 times.


Exercise for the area under the eyebrows

Raise your eyebrows as high as you can. Fix them in this position with the phalanges of your index fingers. Close your eyes tightly and do not open them until the end of the exercise. Squeeze with force and then relax your eyelids with pulsating movements. This is great for tightening and relaxing sagging skin above the eyes.


Exercise against crow's feet

Press the pads of your index fingers at the outer corners of your eyes, and press the pads of your middle fingers at the inner corners. Open your eyes wide and raise your eyebrows high. Feel the tension in your upper eyelid as you carefully lift it.


Exercise for the lower eyelid

The position of your fingers is similar to the previous one. Only now you need to look up with your eyebrows raised high. Squint your lower eyelids. If you do everything correctly, you will feel them with your fingertips.


Train your upper eyelid

Open your eyes wide and close your eyes tightly. At the same time, the eyebrows and forehead remain motionless. Only the muscles of the eyelids are involved in the exercise. Open your eyes, exposing the whites, and close them tightly, as if you are trying to drown your eye inside. This exercise not only eliminates wrinkles from the eyelids, but also benefits vision.


Exercise for a clear contour of the cheeks and upper cheekbones

Open your mouth, pulling your lips in as much as possible, trying to pull the circumlabial skin over your teeth. The open mouth in this exercise should look like an oval. Place your index fingers on your cheeks, in the area below the “bags under the eyes.” Smile, feel yourself pushing your cheek muscles with your fingers, and return to the starting position.


Exercise for the nose area

If you have noticed, noses grow and widen with age. This exercise will help you give your nose a more beautiful shape and remove wrinkles around it. With your index finger, slightly lift the tip of your nose, while straining your nasolabial muscles and the muscles of the wings of your nose as if you were trying to lower the tip of your nose down.


Exercise for the area around the mouth

Take a breath into your cheeks. Roll this “ball of air” from one cheek to the other. And then under the lips in one direction and the other.


Exercise for the lower part of the face

Pull your lips forward like a tube and begin to describe a circle with them. First one way, then the other, left and right.


Exercise for nasolabial folds

Press the area of ​​nasolabial wrinkles with your index fingers. Overcoming resistance, squeeze your lips tightly, “into a thread.” You should feel the muscles. Then relax your face and repeat 5 more times.


Chin exercise

This will tighten your face shape and smooth out wrinkled skin around the mouth and so-called “jowls”, strengthen the muscles of the chin and neck. Open your mouth slightly, pull your lips in as hard as you can. Place your index finger on your chin. Slowly open and close your mouth, trying to overcome the resistance of your finger.


You should finish the rejuvenating gymnastics by stroking the skin along massage lines: from the middle of the forehead to the sides to the scalp, from the nostrils to the temples. from the center of the chin to the ears.

It is not necessary to do all the exercises listed above. Create a set of facial exercises yourself, taking into account your problem areas. The main thing is not to forget that the anti-aging effect will be noticeable only if you do anti-wrinkle exercises regularly, namely, every day.

Facial gymnastics, when performed regularly, can rival plastic surgery in its effect.


As a result of gymnastics, not only the facial muscles are toned, the skin is tightened and volumes are reduced, but also metabolic processes are stimulated, blood and lymph flow improves. As a result, nutrients enter the cells and collagen is produced in large volumes. And the more collagen, the faster tissue regeneration occurs.

If we talk about the benefits of gymnastics for the face, it forces you to sculpt the oval of your face from the inside.
And if you add creams, proper nutrition, and masks to this, the effect will become simply incredible. And all this can be done with your own hands.

Gymnastics for the face - it is important and necessary

How much effort goes into tightening your body and bringing it to the desired shapes and volumes. At the same time, many ladies completely forget about their face. And it needs training no less.

You've probably seen the following picture: a curvaceous woman begins to struggle with the kilograms and the kilograms go away. But, traces of this struggle suddenly appear on the face:

  1. features become sharper;
  2. fine wrinkles become deeper;
  3. a network of small wrinkles appears.

And now someone says behind her back: “It would be better if she didn’t lose weight. She turned into a terrible old woman." So what should I do? Choosing between your desired shape and facial beauty?

You can turn to specialists, undergo massage courses, Botox, etc. These are effective procedures. But they have one big drawback - they give a temporary effect. The main problem remains with you - sagging skin and weak facial muscles.

And facial gymnastics is a truly effective solution to the problem.

A set of exercises for the face

Currently, there are more than 20 different facial gymnastics.
I will name only a few authors:

  1. Carol Maggio;
  2. Greg Childers;
  3. Reinhold Benz;
  4. Camilla Wohler;
  5. and others.

Now I will not talk about the advantages and disadvantages of these methods. They work. And that's a fact. The problem is that some of them require training and special knowledge.

That is why I will tell you about the most (in my opinion) simplest and most accessible complex - basic gymnastics for the face by Tatyana Chekalova. Just seven simple and, at the same time, effective exercises.

What you need to know and remember:

  1. The whole complex takes 5-7 minutes. And there is no point in delaying this pleasure. Facial muscles should not get tired - this is harmful.
  2. Don't expect results the next morning. There will be no immediate improvement. A noticeable “result on your face” will appear in a week. To control the process, take a photo. A week later - next photo. And compare.
  3. For maximum effect, you need to train your body at least 2-3 times a week. Facial muscles - every day. Finding 5 minutes a day for beauty is not at all difficult.

Gymnastics for the face - basic rules

  1. Exercises must be performed without a mirror. Close your eyes and try to feel the work of your facial muscles. The effect will be greater and more noticeable if you feel your muscles;
  2. The starting position for all exercises of the complex is lying on a flat surface or sitting with a straight back. A straight back is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of gymnastics;
  3. The complex contains seven exercises. All exercises (except for exercise No. 1) are performed after exercise No. 2 is completed. This exercise (No. 2) is always performed. It can come after #1 or must be done first. Otherwise, the effect of gymnastics will be very low;
  4. If you are concerned about the problem called “double chin”, you should know that a double chin occurs not only from sagging muscles, but also from poor posture. Therefore, to completely destroy this “chin” you need to do exercises for the facial muscles and, of course, exercises for the back muscles;
  5. Watch your breathing. If you want to achieve a reduction in facial volume, do all the exercises while exhaling;
  6. Remember about drinking balance. If you want a beautiful face, drink water (30 ml per 1 kg of weight). Water not only removes toxins and waste products from the body. Without moisture, facial skin ages especially quickly, local swelling appears (the body tries to retain the missing moisture);
  7. And the last thing is proper nutrition. Sugar, buns, sweets are not only extra pounds “all over the body.” Such products promote the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and the gluing of collagen fibers, which leads to a decrease in the elasticity of facial tissues. The result is deep wrinkles.

Gymnastics for the face. Basic set of exercises

Exercise No. 1.


Hair pulling

For what
Activates epicranial tissue and muscle
This exercise should be considered as a warm-up in order to warm up the head muscles and tone them.
You need to take your fingers by the hair at the very roots and with force (reasonable force) pull the hair up. Do this as if you want to separate the skin from the skull itself.
Move your fingers along the hairline so that during the exercise you work the entire area of ​​​​the head under the hairline:

  1. from the forehead to the back of the head;
  2. from one ear to the other.

Exercises should be performed for at least a minute.

If the exercise gives you pleasure, then you can extend this pleasure. But listen to your inner feelings: excessively is harmful.

Control your facial expressions while performing the exercise. No need for scary grins. A slight half-smile. The face is calm. Imagine that at the moment of inhalation you are charged with positive energy.

Exercise No. 2


Muscle tension

For what
Activate the frontal and temporal muscles, the muscles of the cranial vault.
This exercise is very important. And really difficult. In order for the complex to be effective, you must be able to tighten the muscles of the head and face. Earth's gravity pulls muscles and skin down. Your task is to learn to resist the harmful effects of gravity.

The author of the technique suggests: “Imagine that your head is a flower bud with a lot of petals. For example, rose or peony. With an effort of will, lift the petals from your neck up to the top of your head and continue to hold them.”
The author is clearly engaged in auto-training. How can I explain everything to those who cannot access the petals?
Do you know what static muscle tension is? Extend your elbow and contract your biceps without bending your arms. This is static voltage. Open your mouth and tense your lower jaw muscles without closing your mouth. And this is static voltage.
In this exercise, you need to tense the muscles of your entire head from the bottom (from the neck) and up (to the crown). And hold the tension for several seconds. And gradually increase the tension time.
Over time, all facial muscles will be in constant tone. Like trained muscles of the body. This will help get rid of sagging skin on your face.
During the exercise, in order to feel the muscles working, place your palms on different parts of your head.

During the exercise, make sure that the muscles do not contract (do not move). The face (especially the forehead) should not wrinkle.
Any movement of the facial muscles is a serious mistake when performing the exercise.

Exercise No. 3



For what
Strengthening the forehead muscles
This exercise is especially useful for those who have horizontal wrinkles on their forehead.

Place your palms on your forehead so that the base of your hands is located above your eyebrows (as in the photo).
With our palms we lightly press on the muscles of the forehead and try to raise the eyebrows up.
We alternate tension and relaxation. 5-7 seconds of tension and the same amount of relaxation. Repeat 5 times.

Hands should fix the muscles. The formation of wrinkles (even small ones) or skin folds in the shape of the letter “P” in the center of the forehead is not allowed.

Exercise No. 4



For what
To strengthen the infraorbital area. Exercise makes the skin under the eyes more elastic and firm.

Fix the outer corners of the eyes with your index fingers. We place the middle and ring fingers under the eyes (as in the photo).
The exercise is performed on the count. We try to squint at the count of times. On the count of two, maintain the tension. Three – relax the muscles.
You need to feel the muscles working.
Repeat 10 times.

Watch your facial muscles. The muscles under the eye sockets work. All other muscles (especially in the lip area) are relaxed.

Exercise No. 5



For what
The exercise strengthens the upper cheeks.
To keep your cheeks from sagging, you need to smile more often.

Before starting the exercise, place your palms on your face so that the bases of your palms are at the corners of your mouth, and your fingers fix the outer corners of your eyes.
Now smile. The muscles under the palms should not move. We are simply trying to stretch our lips with muscular effort.
Alternate muscle tension and relaxation.

When performing the exercise, wrinkles should not appear above the eyes, and fingers should not create creases on the skin.

Exercise No. 6


Trunk stretching

For what
This exercise fills and strengthens the upper lip and teaches you how to relax the orbicularis oris muscle.
The habit of pursing your lips is formed in childhood. You need to get used to it.

Using your index fingers, fix the muscles above the upper lip.
Pull your lips forward like a tube.
Repeat 15-20 times.
Make sure that only the lip muscles are tensed. The face is relaxed. No nasolabial folds should form.

After performing the exercise, you should feel blood flow to your upper lip. Feeling: the lip is slightly swollen, the muscles are relaxed, and the lip is “separated” from the teeth.

Exercise No. 7


Strengthening the oval

For what
Exercise improves the shape of your face.
This exercise is best done while lying down and before bed.

Just stick out your tongue and lower it to your chin. Don't strain your face. Nasolabial folds should not form.
Hold the pose for 5-15 minutes.

This is very difficult, but after performing this exercise you cannot speak or even open your mouth. How long should you lie with your mouth closed? How many minutes did you do the exercise, the same amount of time you need to lie with your mouth closed.

OK it's all over Now.

I hope that the facial gymnastics offered to you will help in such an important matter as gaining and/or maintaining beauty.