
Sphyrion or the lower tibial point is called that way, because this place is located quite low. Here the gastrocnemius muscle moves from its location in the lower leg area to the foot area. At the border of the transition of this muscle, a small process is formed, which is called sphyrion. This area is most often affected when the muscles of the lower extremities are strained. It is not recommended to treat muscle inflammation and stretching on your own - you can only aggravate the course of the disease and even lead to a bone fracture if the muscle ruptures. Self-medication and exercises that replace exercise machines should not be neglected. If possible, you should go to a medical facility, where a doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment. However, folk remedies such as massage and compresses, as well as wearing a bandage, will also help to cope with the problem. It will maintain the sphyrion in the correct position, helping the muscle function.